So Let's make a list of what features are missing from this "early access"

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How do you have kids? I can't even get married. I've got like 900 renown and it seems impossible at this point. Yet you had a screen shot of a heir. So I want to find out how to do it.

how did you get 900 renown? I'm doing a lot of side-quests and bandit chasing but i get from 0.5 to 2.5 renown per battle (even in sieges)

and i have to quote some mates here
.... and please return the autoblock
This, this and again, this. I know, there are hardcore gamers here, but i need to fight while i shout to my cavalry to charge, the archers to go back, check if someone wants to spank my rear and meanwhile i also have to move the mouse and right click correctly (which is not working well, i need to do the movement very precisely and this is not a kind of game that allows you to do so)
I think it has to be redefined what early access, alpha and beta means or devs have to stop lying to their customers... this is in Alpha state, missing features, game breaking bugs, early access for me means after beta, feature and conent complete and a few bugs. We know it's not ready and that there are some missing features, but the state of the singleplayer is just ridiculous.
I won't say ridiculous but you have my sword with you.
When i tryed to speak to a NPC in Pen Cannoc the game went on eternal loop during the loading screen (tryed 3 times, saving the game, reloading and trying again, nothing). In sieges the games lags. i have put 500 ppl per wave, i have a Radeon 5700, 16gb ram ddr4 and an AMD 1600x. I know they recommend an AMD 3600, but literally ther difference is a 0,2 Ghz per core and some oder minor parameters, which is a nonesense. If i had got 40-50 fps instead of blocked 60 i would say "ok, it's an EA", but this was a painful fps drop when i made a siege. And for the rest of the time the game is very fluid.

It's very hard to hit an enemy with the couched lance and in general, from the horse back with a swing. I don't know where to point the weapon and often, the infantry with a sword hits my horse before i hit them with my lance (204 in length). And the animation of the lance blocked under the shoulder is ugly, it was better in Warband. I don't know if i've become completely noob, but in Warband using the lance was so easy unless i was facing spears and pikes.

Another thing is the "pathfinding" skill. Now it's gone, but you can speed up if you have horses in your inventory. I like the feature, but it's not working very well imho. I have a party of 30 ppl and 10 horses, i got a disappointing 0,3 - 0,4 speed bonus. I expect a great increase since i have horses for more than a 1/3 of my party size (and i'm not counting myself and 1 companion, that we have our own horse).

I sent a companion to do a mission for me. He succeeded, when the the days to come back to me where expired, the counter went back to 12 days (initially it was 3 days). After 12 days it became 60 days. It's completely bugged and now i have 1 companion slot occupied by a lost NPC.

Someone wrote this is better than what warband has ever been. Make it simple: false.
Warband is still the best game at the moment in its genre. Bannerlord is still a WIP. But i do trust Taleworlds, even if it's very slow.
To the commenter above, the fact that you have only horses for a third or slightly more isn't enough in my opinion. Realistically, you should probably have 2 horses per soldier to move quickly. This is sort of how it was in actual history. Having horses for some but not all in reality won't really speed you up because you still have to keep pace with those without horses. I know this is a game, but a slight increase to speed for the amount of horses you have makes sense.
I think it has to be redefined what early access, alpha and beta means or devs have to stop lying to their customers... this is in Alpha state, missing features, game breaking bugs, early access for me means after beta, feature and conent complete and a few bugs. We know it's not ready and that there are some missing features, but the state of the singleplayer is just ridiculous.
Early access means you get an early access to the product, which can be in alpha, beta or whatever phase of development before, after or in-between them. It's pretty standard for EA games to have missing features, game-breaking bugs, overhauls of entire game systems, backward incompatible versions and so on.
Just my first-12-hour thoughts; take and pick amongst them what you like:

- Add option like in Viking Conquest to start game With or Without the 'Main Quest'. I personally don't want it.

- More Hairstyles and Beards. I'm actually kinda disappointed with the amount of options, Beards are okay but the Hairstyles are a bit lackluster, some of them are good though.

- Further optimization for 8GB RAM systems. If I'm not mistaken, the vast majority of PC's run with 8GB RAM, not to mention many very demanding games run just fine with 8GB RAM systems, and Bannerlord should too. I might be a bit biased here because I run an 8GB RAM system:smile:

- Optimize the Escort Trading Caravan quest. Mine started out by going outside of the town for a bit, ran around, ran back to the town it came from (which counted towards 1 town visited), and then it made straight for the furthest away town on the world map. It gave me many thousands of denars, but there were no threats on the way and it was just annoying to follow the caravan around without any auto-accompany option available. Not a fun quest.

- There's too little diversity in equipment in the game, in my opinion. And the 'best' equipment is very easy to get, without even being a lord or a mercenary or anything of that matter.

- I personally prefered the old map, but this new one works fine I guess. Although I must say it feels like the Sturgians and Aserai are very isolated from the rest of the factions, perhaps bring them a little bit closer?

- It feels like once a faction starts conquering territory from another, they get steamrolling and the defending faction has virtually no chance to stand against them. This is naturally due to the way that recruitment works, where the NPC's are all working with the same tools as the player. But I believe some sort of balancing/AI cheating should allow for the factions back-and-forth to go on for much longer without one faction being wiped out by day ~100.

- Troop tree and naming conventions are all over the place, especially for Sturgia. 'Nordic' and 'Northern' sounds way too similar, with the former refering to equipment of Nord make, and the latter refering to equipment of Sturgian make.
I also don't think "shock" means what some people over at Taleworld seems to think it means, it has been used to describe 'elite' troops in the MP aswell as defensively equipped troops in the SP, thinking about the "Sturgian shock troop".
The Berserker -> Ulfhednar troop line should be renamed into Sturgian shock infantry -> Sturgian Berserker (and please for the love of god just give him some armor, no-shield infantry units are at a massive disadvantage anyways, and it just doesn't look good). "Ulfhednar" doesn't even make any sense for Sturgia, it's a norse word, and there's already an English translation of the word (The Wolfskins) which is a subfaction in Battania.

- I personally would like for a grid/box inventory UI system to return. The current one works just fine, but I prefered the one from Warband.
I also would like to see easier differentiation between trade goods and consumable goods.

- The information box for equipment really needs to be cleaned up, in my opinion brought closer to something along the lines of what we saw in Warband. It's very hard to at first glance see how good an item is in this game. You can of course see all the necessary information that there is, but it's not obvious at first sight.

- Please remove the bows and arrows equipped by lords of factions when you speak to them. Nobles and lords like that would never dirty their hands with such equipment, they fight with shields, swords, maces and lances. Alright, I can understand Khuzait lords, and Battanians too. But why would a Sturgian, Imperial or Vlandian lord walk around with a longbow and arrows :grin:?
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This is more for DLC but I do feel like the game world needs some kind of maritime trade/combat system. We now have a Mediterranean sea and north Africa, which historically is a centre for maritme commerce, but no way to traverse it. Some kind of maritime gameplay would make the historical fiction more believable and reduce tedium from travel.
Settlement Projects are also there. (Not sure to what extent as I haven't fully dived into it, but it's letting me build a Militia Barrack / Fairgrounds, assign a governor etc)

Im interested if buildings you upgrade/build show on map or is it like in warband you made them but cant seem them. Becouse it was told that is feature
This is more for DLC but I do feel like the game world needs some kind of maritime trade/combat system. We now have a Mediterranean sea and north Africa, which historically is a centre for maritme commerce, but no way to traverse it. Some kind of maritime gameplay would make the historical fiction more believable and reduce tedium from travel.

I agree
I can't seem to be hired into a lords army. I was really hoping I could start my game off as a simple soldier to level up my skills and make a small wage along the way and rank up my position.
more for DLC but I do feel like
This is more for DLC but I do feel like the game world needs some kind of maritime trade/combat system. We now have a Mediterranean sea and north Africa, which historically is a centre for maritme commerce, but no way to traverse it. Some kind of maritime gameplay would make the historical fiction more believable and reduce tedium from travel.
I certainly second that idea, But I don't think a DLC would be anywhere appropriate from them to sell a patch of improved economy and trade.
You can become king, but you have to follow the campaign quest to do it for now. I think maybe eventually this won't be needed, but for now you need to follow the main quest for campaign.
I found that out too. Yes You can become the king from the quest, but that's not really what we expected though.
I found that out too. Yes You can become the king from the quest, but that's not really what we expected though.

That is because they are only allowing campaign for early access I think. I am assuming here, but perhaps later they will have a full sandbox, not sure. Anyway, the quest isn't really that big of a deal. You just talk to 10 people, defeat two bandit hideouts and that is it. After that, it is just either you start up your own kingdom or join one of the existing ones and help them out. The small quest line isn't that big of a deal.
That's not exactly an issue though, you can't bind the same key to two different actions, most games are like this.
But it is pretty weird that they didn't put an "Unbind" botton in the settings menu. Besides, I remapped my crouch button to C, and the game didn't complain even though the same key is used on the campaign map for character meanu. Everytime I crouch my character, the game also tells me that I can enter the character screen in combat.

Also, I could swear I saw in it a video somewhere on youtube years ago that there's a preset button, or something like that, in the character creation menu. I like the character I create and probably 90% of my 1500hrs of Warband I was recreating the look of the same character. I know it's not exactly "missing" but damn it'd be a useful feature.
That is because they are only allowing campaign for early access I think. I am assuming here, but perhaps later they will have a full sandbox, not sure. Anyway, the quest isn't really that big of a deal. You just talk to 10 people, defeat two bandit hideouts and that is it. After that, it is just either you start up your own kingdom or join one of the existing ones and help them out. The small quest line isn't that big of a deal.
The talking to people who then tell you to chase people across the map is pretty boring tbf. (Maybe they aren't all just talk to x person quests, I'm only on 1/10 so far)
make sure you are not reading dev/modding blogs for features

Heat Map, IIRC, was a dev tool for balancing, not a UI element for players. But I may be misunderstanding what you meant.
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