Serf life and the "ghettoness" of Praven

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Serf life in Persistent World is very interesting.  Serf life in Persistent World involves being ran over on a daily basis, getting shot in the middle of battlefields, falling off castle walls and having your friend come save you, and being flown across the map from someone's cart.  Man, this mod creates so many funny moments!  Then you look at a town like Praven, well, only Praven, which is the largest and most active town, where it's very crowded and one simple punch can cause a street fight to break out where random players from all around start beating each other senselessly, even the local faction's troops join in!  Then in the back near the spawn you have a group of naked guys stealing another guy's iron ore that he's holding, or once in my case they wanted my spear.  Aahh, good times, huh? :razz:
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