[RE] Reino de España - Kingdom of Spain

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En un principio el capitán Will Moran y el coronel Trazer formaron un regimiento de infantería napoleónica bajo el nombre del 8º Regimiento Ausona; eran conocidos por su disciplina y por su bigote poco afeitado. Sus primeros miembros venían de la comunidad del native y poco a poco empezaron a llegar más soldados con ganas de expulsar a los franceses de nuestras tierras.

Tras sus primeras batallas de linea y el incremento de personal en sus filas, el 8º Regimiento de Ausona comenzó a conjeturar para formar un regimiento de artillería, que apoyara a los soldados de Ausona en sus batallas. Fue así como surgió el regimiento de caballería ligera, “Lanceros de Castilla”. Encabezado por JimmyJazz y formado por veteranos infantes, se unirían a los dos regimientos de artillería e infantería para así completar el cuadro.

Poco después, surgió la idea de unir a los tres regimientos en un solo ejército y nombrarlo “El Reino de España”.

In the early stages, the Captain Will Moran  and the Colonel Trazer, formed a napoleonic  infantery regiment under the name of the “8º Regimiento Ausona”; they were known for their high discipline and for their non shaved mustache. The first soldiers who came to help Will Moran out, came from the Native community. Soon enough, many other volunteers joined the spanish cause, until the 8ºRegimiento de Ausonia became very solid and tough infantery regiment.

After their first line battles and due to the increasing number of soldiers coming in, the Ausona soldiers started to think about the possibility of forming an artillery regiment to help out the infantery regiments in their campaigns. This is how the cavalry regiment “Lanceros De Castilla” was born. With JimmyJazz leading the cavalry, and with a bunch of veteran soldiers who came from the hard training sessions of the “8ºRegimiento de Ausona”, the third and last regiment by now, joined the spanish infantry and artillery regiments.

Later on, and after several battles fought together, the three regiments decided to unify them selves into the “Reino de España”.

About us
The Spanish Army is formed for several regiment under the command of the Colonel Trazer.

The tag of the Reino de España (Kingdom of Spain) is:


The ranks of the regiment are (Spanish name - English Translation - Abbreviation):

- General Staff:
  • Mayor - Major - Myr
  • Teniente Coronel - Lieutenant Colonel - tCol
  • Coronel - Colonel - Col


Our actual regiments and their tags are:


8th Line Infantry Regiment "Ausona" - 8Reg
Light Lancers Regiment "Castilla" - LC
3rd Foot Artillery Regimient “Sevilla” - 3Art
14th Skirmishers Regiment “Lützow Freikorps” - 14th_Lützow


The origin of the Regiment goes back to 1509 with the expeditionary force sent to the Kingdom of Naples by Fernando the Catholic to repel the French attacks under the denomination of Third of Zamudio in honor to its senior officers to the command, Pedro de Zamudio.

Its Italian ground stay took to him to denominate itself Third of Naples and thus he was well-known in 1513. One consolidates like third in 1537, when the Old woman Third calls are organized, and participates in the wars of Germany by order of Carlos I in aid of Hungary, the wars of Flanders, standing out in Batalla of San Quintín and the taking of Antwerp by the Spanish troops. It is embarked in the Invincible Navy in the failed attempt to attack England.

In 1590, a revolt act causes that Alexander de Farnesio orders his dissolution. With the same forces it is reorganized with the name, in 1591, of Departmental Third of Twine, that conserves with the addition of “number 3”. It is a period of febrile military activity, being placed the unit in combat in different shipments in Flanders again and Germany, as well as in France, as well as in the War of Spanish Succession between the House of Austria and the Borbónes.

In 1715, nº 3 acquires the present name of Infantry regiment Soria. The denomination stays, although it will change to its number to “8” and “9” at different moments. In this time it participates in all the significant military operations of Spain: Gibraltar, shaken in Peru de Tupac Amaru and the War of the Pyrenees.

The War of Spanish Independence supposes a fundamental exchange in all the Spanish army that it crumbles before the Napoleonic invasion. It operates on in Batalla de Vich and the defense of Tortosa, being taken prisoner all the Regiment. After escaping itself, in 1811 it takes the name from Infantry regiment Ausona nº 8 and later the numeration happens to 11, continue fighting against I exercise French in individual points like Graus and Olot.

During the Liberal Triennium in the reign of Fernando VII nº 21, 22 and Infantry regiment of Extremadura was known him like Infantry battalion nº 8.

At the end of the reign of Fernando VII he returns to change to his denomination by the one of Infantry regiment nº 8 and in 1834 he again changes the numeration by the one of 9. During one hundred years he will almost maintain that name. During the reign of Isabel II he will participate in the cristino liberal side in the First Carlista War in different fronts like the site from Bilbao, or the site of Morella. In the War of Africa its paper is outstanding when serving the unit to the command as Leopoldo O'Donnell in the decisive battles.

From 1873 to 1876 against the carlistas it will emphasize again in Batalla de Treviño. It participated in the Hispano-American War in the island of Cuba, within the Division of Defense of Havana. Also it does in Africa during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera against Abd el-Krim between 1921 and 1923.

In 1931 during the Second Spanish Republic 9 Infantry regiment is unified with other units, denominating itself nº and Infantry regiment of Granada nº 9, name with which participates in the Civil War in the side incited to rebellion in Seville, occupation of Andalusia, Batalla of Madrid and the front of Aragón and Catalonia.

It reclaims his associated name to Soria 9 in 1944, name that loses of 1959 to 1963 by the one of Infantry group Soria nº 9. In this period it participates in the War of Ifni. It will be denominated to him after different forms: Mixed infantry regiment Soria nº9, Mechanized regiment 9 Soria nº and Slight Infantry regiment Soria nº 9 that conserves from April of 2006 with destiny in the Canary Islands.

- Recruits:
  • Voluntario - Volunteer - Vol
  • Cadete - Cadet - Cdt
- Soldier:
  • Fusilero - Fusilier - Fus
  • Granadero - grenadier - Gnd
- NCO:
  • Cabo - Corporal - Cbo
  • Sargento - Sergeant - Sgt
  • Sargento mayor - Sergeant Major - SgtM
- Officers:
  • Alférez - 2nd Lieutenant - Alf
  • Teniente - Lieutenant - Tnt
  • Capitán - Captain - Cpt
- Special:
  • Porta Estandarte - Banner Carrier - Pst
  • Flautista - Fluetist - Flt
  • Tamborilero - Drummer - Tmr
  • Legionario - legionary - Legio


Created this unit by Julian Sanchez Garcia "El Charro", one of the most famous guerrilla fightersin the War of Independence, coming to send a real army and rose to the rank of Brigadier.

This cavalry unit was aligned initially as Salamanca, about two hundred components that were known as "The Departure of two hundred of Don Julián" but not for long as their numbersincreased until it ended up creating with them Light Lancers regiment of Castilla.

His actions took place between the rivers Duero and Tajo, collaborating with him on the actions of another famous guerrilla fighters "The Stubborn."

Ends up joining the already large force to the Army of General Wellington.

- Recruits:
  • Voluntario - Volunteer - Vol
  • Cadete - Cadet - Cdt
- Soldier:
  • Lancero - lancer - Lnc
- NCO:
  • Cabo - Corporal - Cbo
  • Sargento - Sergeant - Sgt
  • Sargento mayor - Sergeant Major - SgtM
- Officers:
  • Alférez - 2nd Lieutenant - Alf
  • Teniente - Lieutenant - Tnt
  • Capitán - Captain - Cpt
- Special:
  • Porta Estandarte - Banner Carrier - Pst
  • Corneta - Cornet - Crt
  • Legionario - legionary - Legio


The foot gunners marched on foot and their officers were suppose to march with them. Only those of officers who were 50-years old and more were entitled to horses. However, according to several French sources (for example Tousard) and regulations there is a provision for mounting foot artillerymen on gun team horses as early as 1809. The foot gunner was armed with musket of dragoon model, bayonet, and a short infantry saber.

There were 8 (administrative) regiments of foot artillery of 22 (tactical) companies each.
The companies were scattered among various armies. For example in 1812 the 3rd Foot Artillery Regiment had 8-9 companies in Spain, 2-3 in Netherlands and the rest in France, Germany and Russia.

- Recruits:
  • Voluntario - Volunteer - Vol
  • Cadete - Cadet - Cdt
- Soldier:
  • Sirviente - Servant - Svt
  • Artillero - Gunner - Art
  • Guardia - Guard - Gua
- NCO:
  • Cabo - Corporal - Cbo
  • Sargento - Sergeant - Sgt
  • Sargento mayor - Sergeant Major - SgtM
- Officers:
  • Alférez - 2nd Lieutenant - Alf
  • Teniente - Lieutenant - Tnt
  • Capitán - Captain - Cpt
- Special:
  • Porta Estandarte - Banner Carrier - Pst
  • Flautista - Fluetist - Flt
  • Tamborilero - Drummer - Tmr
  • Aguadora - Water Carrier - Agu


We are a feared yet renowned Mount and Musket skirmisher regiment.

Our foes in battle may shake with fear but all have a grudging respect as our presence alone demands it. Our officers maintain a high level of discipline and tolerance is low. Our members consist of experienced and new players, all of whom strive to master the art of war.  The accuracy of our rifles is infamous and our bayonets are drenched in the blood of our enemies. The daunting tag of our regiment almost scares our foes into submission. We are ever eager and vigilant for battle which serves as a warning to those with sense.

We only accept new members who have the potential to be gifted with a unique set of skills to spread death and fear wherever they may wander. If you believe you can acquire these skills, feel free to apply for membership, but be warned our silence is an answer in itself. We do not accept the weak and runts that the world has to offer, we accept the best.

We are proud and we are strong.
We are the 14th Lützow.

The regiment was established in Spain in the early 1799 by Baron Sarnek von Lützow. Since that day, from all over the world, many volunteers and valiant soldiers have responded to the call of the cause: to stem the foolish Napoleon in his overwhelming advance. It was clear, however, that Lützow's cause was nothing more than an unreachable dream, since he couldn't stem such a tide of evil.

He gathered his regiment together and saw hope in its men's eyes, the hope that renewed his dream and leads him into battle with fiery passion to repel the French tyrant from his land and people. The Baron wakes every day to face his impossible dream, rejuvenated by the fact that he will get to kill at least some of the arrogant and foolish French. Every day the regiment’s ranks swell with people who share his dream and will die to fulfil it. We are the 14th Lützow and we will kill Napoleon, burn his regiments and die as free men

Hurraaaa Freikorps!

- Recruits:
  • Rekrutieren - Recruit - Rct
  • Kadett - Cadet - Cdt
- Soldier:
  • Schütze - Rifleman - Rfl
- NCO:
  • Unteroffizier - Corporal - Cpl
  • Feldwebel - Sergeant - Sgt
  • Hauptfeldwebel - Sergeant Major - SgtM
  • Marschall - Marshal - Msh
- Officers:
  • 2nd Leutnant - 2nd Lieutenant - 2Lieu
  • Leutnant - Lieutenant - Lieu
  • Kapitän - Captain - Cpt

Our server is named as:


It is open every day of the week, 24 hours.

Team Speak
We have a teamspeak server that can support 120 people


Password: Be provided via private message.

Web y Forum
Our main website and from where we are organized as follows.


We also have a website where you can see the latest news, results of battles, etc..


Contact Us
Reino de España
TW post: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=204028.0

Colonel Trazer
Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197983019338

8th Line Infantry Regiment "Ausona"
TW post: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=167804.0
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/8regcontacts

Captain Eddard
Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032669444

Light Lancers Regiment "Castilla"
TW post: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=199000.0
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lancerosdecastilla

Captain JimmyJazz
Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/JimmyJazzZ

3rd Foot Artillery Regimient “Sevilla”
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/3Art

Captain julian
Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/julian565523

14th Skirmishers Regiment “Lützow Freikorps”
TW post: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=203878.0
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/14th_Light_Inf_Reg

Captain Sarnek
Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026714587
Yesterday great linebattle spanish mates, it was very fun, although you won 3 - 2, we are going to present ourselves to the world too in some days. Good luck to your kingdom! The only bad point is that 14th led by sarnek, what do they do in a spanish army, a prussian unit in a great spanish thing.

Good luck!

Dany mi sarei offeso se non avessi rosikato neanche un pochino :smile:.
Also, if you'd read our history you'd know we're not a prussian unit.
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