SP - Quests Quest Idea: "I'll capture any Town/Castle" for the right price......

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Instead of joining as normal merc, why not offer you services to achieve particular goal such as autonomously taking and holding a town or castle for a faction in need!
This would be a great way to explore and practice siege battles and support you clan when you don't want to be a vassal or start a kingdom!
Plus if you're like me you get annoyed by some AI factions taking so much land, but you don't want to take it for yourself, but want to remain independent too. It'd be a great way to help shape the campaign world if you could offer you services to retrieve lost (or new) fiefs for a faction you're not part of.

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That can already be done with a combination of mods and Console commands. No need to give the developers more work than they already have.
Also, there is a perk, now, that allows you to give - trade - a settlement you've taken to any other lord of your choosing thereby achieving what you're describing.

Early Access also means we're supposed to not just play the game but explore all the possibilities. Tinker with it. try things out to the point of breaking the game and then give feedback.
The devs have been kind enough to include tools for us and the modders. They're not in there to make pretty. We're supposed to use them.
You could say that about anything and nobody is giving devs work to do, it's suggestion on a board, for suggestions. Go to the mod forum to talk about mods I'm done reading your garbage posts.
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