SP - General Quest Suggestion - Late Game

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Quest Suggestion - Late Game

The late game feels quite empty and one of the way it can be filled in my opinion is with quests that may appear during the later part of the game which can be restricted by say clan level 4, 5 or 6 etc or when you have the Dragon Banner.

__Lists of quest__
1. Bandit Raid: When a kingdom sufferers multiple village raid by a kingdom and peace comes soon after the bandits will rise and form a large horde. So a clan lord may provide a quest or it can auto initiate where we now form a large force to fight against these bandits. The bandits can be of higher quality such as the Sea Raider Chief, Forest Bandit, maybe some new ones such as various deserters from various lords army as well.

2. Quelling a Rebellion: In this quest a lord may provide us with we have to go to a town that has very low loyalty and help elevate the issue for the AI lords. If we fail to reach in time and the Rebellion starts we may then form an army with (clan members only - to make the quest tough or anyone for easier but less reward) and defeat the rebel forces. Upon finishing the quest we get a reward from the ruler or the clan that needed the help and a boost in loyalty for clearing the rebellion. This would be an alternative way we can help the Ai take over a settlement and stabilize it instead of seeing rebel here and there every 5 min during the late game.

3. Clearing a Grudge: In this quest if say a took over a clans fief, a member of their clan died by your hand or you simply have bad relationship, or just a trait you have they do not like (various scenario to trigger) a quest would initiate where they challenge your clan to a duel or depending upon severity a clan vs clan war can occur,

4. Minor Faction Raising in Fame: Just like how we go from a pleb to a chad, let the minor factions grow with time progression. It's lame to see them don't have any tier 6 troops or their head gets chopped off cause they kept raiding your caravan (Cough Forest Dorks, Jawwal Plebs Cough) during peacetime. This quest occurs when you're now a ruler of a kingdom and they wish to serve under you. So they go through a trial of 1vs1 combat, capture a castle etc. (This gives off the ruler a proper vibe and not just a 10% buff from Dragon Banner).
Sounds good. and YES, late is quite empty.

I like the idea of war band bandits, large forces with strong mixture of troops, controlled by a charismatic leader (maybe a wronged village leader?) ..and hopefully they would move faster than 0.00002 ...
Sounds good. and YES, late is quite empty.

I like the idea of war band bandits, large forces with strong mixture of troops, controlled by a charismatic leader (maybe a wronged village leader?) ..and hopefully they would move faster than 0.00002 ...

Indeed a wronged village leader can definitely be a thing. Holding a grudge against the lord for failing to defend them whom they swore their loyalty to.
Late game means you are king. Most lords don´t give quests to you then.
It's just word play or I'm just bad at explaining or both. Anyway I just meant having more quests can fill up the void of constant war during the late game as a possible option among many things that can be added.
Assuming late game means kingship: War & Taxes should be a big concern, as well as politics. Taxation doesnt exist at all now (its automatic and based on prosperity), wars have no logic (they are forced by lords without logical reason), and internal politics barely exists (its only about the relation with lords).

Having missions is good and all, but as a king, you should give the missions, not be given missions.
- clear bandit camps
- Solve village/town issues
- defend areas from raids
- war goals (defend/attack settlements)
Basically, delegate tasks so you don't have to do everything yourself.

So about being given missions, I don't see how they would be of any benefit since you'll always be plagued by Lords demanding nonsense war all the time - which will take up all your time.
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