Please add training field in town's arena

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For now, most players like Xorberax's training field mod. I also use this mod but better if bannerlord will add training field in next upgrade. It's better than using mod. Just like we used town quick chat mod in previsious version but bannerlord added quick chat in v1.5.4 beta. So we don't need to use quick chat mod anymore. We need training field in later game and devs should add this. Without training field, the game won't be perfect.
Yeah, training your troops or any other viable method of training is missing from the game. A whole lot more than those bloody feasts everyone keeps brining up imo.

Unlike like in warband there is no trainer skill but the amount of xp from these trainings could be calculated based on your melle/ranged and leadership skills.

This feature could complement to the wanted camp most people here would love to see in the game.
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