Need More Info New friendly lord still engages combat dialogue, doesn't attack

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Summary: Converted a lord to my faction instead of fighting an outnumbered fight. Had success on all the dialogue checks, but now the lord (Mesui) keeps engaging the combat dialogue, but the dialogue options are only friendly. Can't move on map as our avatars are basically on top of each other, so she engages the conversation immediately after I click the map.
How to Reproduce: Convert a lord as they attack you near a village. I was near Karahalli (enemy town) but wasn't raiding. Not sure if I 'made it' to the town.
Quest/Settlement Name (if related): Karahalli
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Can't upload, but I have them....
Version: e1.0.6
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10
CPU: intel Xeon Series
Motherboard: ASUS something
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
Same bug here, converted an enemy lord who had reinforcements behind him, he converted but his character is on top of mine and he continually pops up combat dialogs. This happened earlier to a different lord, and I was able to keep clicking on the map and inching away from him. This time I'm having more trouble doing so, haven't been successful after like 15 tries.
Hello, thanks for reporting this problem. Unfortunately, we were unable to respond to this thread when it was first created. We believe the issue may have been resolved since the creation of this topic. If you are currently experiencing this issue with the latest live or beta versions of the game, please update this thread so we can forward this issue to the team for investigation.
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