Dear friends, this is a CRY from the HEART that you are reading 
Bannerlord has incredible combat mechanics, it's probably the best large-scale battle simulation ever created! I'm not going to dwell on its qualities, you know what they are. The battles are fabulous, the world of Calradia is magnificent and the sheer number of characters you can meet makes you dizzy!
I sometimes get the impression that the developers are bogged down in this, that they can't develop the game in everything that doesn't concern the combat itself or the scenery.
In that respect, it's one of the best games, but also one of the most frustrating, given its potential and everything that could be developed to make it even better.
I think the first step would be to INCREASE THE CUSTOMISATION ASPECT OF THE GAME (troops, kingdom, castle, etc.) and then create MORE SITUATIONS LEADING UP TO BATTLES.
So, for the benefit of the game's developers and modellers, here's a list of potential additions I can think of:
--> SIEGES that are less systematic and repetitive, more manageable and variable, and that take place in SEVERAL STAGES:
- Cities with several gates and the ability to lay siege from several sides at the same time, including via the port (but for that you'd also need ships and naval battles... it's incomprehensible to have an inland sea on the campaign map without a ship or port...)
- Live catapult exchanges
- Final destruction of the breach with a live catapult
- Possibility of opening a door at night by infiltration (with allies inside)
- Attempt to find a tunnel into the castle
- Possibility of undermining the walls (besiegers)
- Battle in the siege camp, if reinforcements come to rescue the defenders
- Barricades and street fighting
- The population fights if its loyalty is high
- Fire that could spread through the houses and kill (fire in combat in general)
--> Possibility of making AMBUSHES (as in Total War) by hiding in the forest or mountains thanks to a new feature
--> Possibility of CAMPING to heal faster, possibility of attacking camps, with battle in the camp (as in Total War)
--> Each lord could have pages, squires and small vassal knights with him. The squire would also be his banner bearer and follow him into battle.
--> Add a religion and ideology mechanic
--> Insert a political alliance and coalition mechanic
--> Improved combat mechanics with additional actions:
- Ability to fight wounded, sitting on the ground or one-handed
- Ability to throw all weapons
- The ability to hold a weapon in each hand
- Bonus charge, shout and sprint, unit raises arm to strike with bonus damage if hit
--> A single-player campaign with a variety of scenarios
- Several small, pre-developed scenarios, like mini-campaigns (single-player or multiplayer)
- Diversify the actions to be carried out in the cities so that it's not just a pretty backdrop
- Introduction of real crime: if I kill a citizen in a city, the guards will come after me!
- You can create colonies and villages, and build castles and towns!
--> A great epic scenario to follow if you want to
- A capital for each kingdom, a city more beautiful and more important than the others.
- A capital for the world of Calradia, more beautiful and bigger than all the others. Better defended too
- An important seat at the start of the scenario, as a soldier, in one of the kingdom capitals
--> Much more complex relationship mechanisms and situations, offering genuinely diverse scenarios (e.g. supporting a rival and overthrowing a king) rather than successive linear quests...
- Decisions that always have a real impact.
- More romance and epic situations (excluding battles)!
- Betrayals, revenge, impossible situations, spies, assassins, etc...
So there you have it, I imagine the developers and modellers may have thought of some of these elements, but I hope these ideas inspire everyone with the power to change things and finally make Bannerlord the game it should be and that we've all been waiting for!

Bannerlord has incredible combat mechanics, it's probably the best large-scale battle simulation ever created! I'm not going to dwell on its qualities, you know what they are. The battles are fabulous, the world of Calradia is magnificent and the sheer number of characters you can meet makes you dizzy!
I sometimes get the impression that the developers are bogged down in this, that they can't develop the game in everything that doesn't concern the combat itself or the scenery.
In that respect, it's one of the best games, but also one of the most frustrating, given its potential and everything that could be developed to make it even better.
I think the first step would be to INCREASE THE CUSTOMISATION ASPECT OF THE GAME (troops, kingdom, castle, etc.) and then create MORE SITUATIONS LEADING UP TO BATTLES.
So, for the benefit of the game's developers and modellers, here's a list of potential additions I can think of:
--> SIEGES that are less systematic and repetitive, more manageable and variable, and that take place in SEVERAL STAGES:
- Cities with several gates and the ability to lay siege from several sides at the same time, including via the port (but for that you'd also need ships and naval battles... it's incomprehensible to have an inland sea on the campaign map without a ship or port...)
- Live catapult exchanges
- Final destruction of the breach with a live catapult
- Possibility of opening a door at night by infiltration (with allies inside)
- Attempt to find a tunnel into the castle
- Possibility of undermining the walls (besiegers)
- Battle in the siege camp, if reinforcements come to rescue the defenders
- Barricades and street fighting
- The population fights if its loyalty is high
- Fire that could spread through the houses and kill (fire in combat in general)
--> Possibility of making AMBUSHES (as in Total War) by hiding in the forest or mountains thanks to a new feature
--> Possibility of CAMPING to heal faster, possibility of attacking camps, with battle in the camp (as in Total War)
--> Each lord could have pages, squires and small vassal knights with him. The squire would also be his banner bearer and follow him into battle.
--> Add a religion and ideology mechanic
--> Insert a political alliance and coalition mechanic
--> Improved combat mechanics with additional actions:
- Ability to fight wounded, sitting on the ground or one-handed
- Ability to throw all weapons
- The ability to hold a weapon in each hand
- Bonus charge, shout and sprint, unit raises arm to strike with bonus damage if hit
--> A single-player campaign with a variety of scenarios
- Several small, pre-developed scenarios, like mini-campaigns (single-player or multiplayer)
- Diversify the actions to be carried out in the cities so that it's not just a pretty backdrop
- Introduction of real crime: if I kill a citizen in a city, the guards will come after me!
- You can create colonies and villages, and build castles and towns!
--> A great epic scenario to follow if you want to
- A capital for each kingdom, a city more beautiful and more important than the others.
- A capital for the world of Calradia, more beautiful and bigger than all the others. Better defended too
- An important seat at the start of the scenario, as a soldier, in one of the kingdom capitals
--> Much more complex relationship mechanisms and situations, offering genuinely diverse scenarios (e.g. supporting a rival and overthrowing a king) rather than successive linear quests...
- Decisions that always have a real impact.
- More romance and epic situations (excluding battles)!
- Betrayals, revenge, impossible situations, spies, assassins, etc...
So there you have it, I imagine the developers and modellers may have thought of some of these elements, but I hope these ideas inspire everyone with the power to change things and finally make Bannerlord the game it should be and that we've all been waiting for!