Name generator for all types of names

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If you are ever looking to name your characters based on the names of foreign people, Romans, Arabs, Persians, Armenians, Greeks, Saxons, Serbians, Ancient Celtic, Ancient German, etc. etc., there is a great website for randomly generating those names.

I think it would help out the Roman mod a lot, as well as a few others, including my own Crusader mod (because I'm renaming all the merchants and giving them dark skin and dark hair).

I think it would be a good idea to put this thread into the Mod Resources Compilation Thread.

Here's the website:
I got lots: - not bad - really good except half are scaled down to make you pay - ok - good + works offline - very good, wide selection
Shareware? AAAHHHH! *runs around screaming like a chicken with it's head cut off and crahes into a tree getting knocked unconcius* (Goodnight!)
My name generator website isn't a name for fantasy characters, it generates real authentic ethnic names for almost any ethnicity you can think of, from Armenian to Turkish to Ancient Greek. No other name generator I've found can do that.
bbcrackmonkey said:
My name generator website isn't a name for fantasy characters, it generates real authentic ethnic names for almost any ethnicity you can think of, from Armenian to Turkish to Ancient Greek. No other name generator I've found can do that.

EBoN can do that, it just needs the dictionary files (sets of rules for a language). I can generate Finnish names, for one. I believe there are many sets for it that generate valid names in historical languages.
bbcrackmonkey said:
If you are ever looking to name your characters based on the names of foreign people, Romans, Arabs, Persians, Armenians, Greeks, Saxons, Serbians, Ancient Celtic, Ancient German, etc. etc., there is a great website for randomly generating those names.

I think it would help out the Roman mod a lot, as well as a few others, including my own Crusader mod (because I'm renaming all the merchants and giving them dark skin and dark hair).

I think it would be a good idea to put this thread into the Mod Resources Compilation Thread.

Here's the website:
It's a fun site. Thanks. I am changing my name to Hadrianus Fidelis.
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