My view of the MP as an Alpha tester.

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So I originally meant this post as a short reply to a thread but it kept expanding to the point where I believed it deemed itself plausible for its own thread, so here it is. I had the privilege of becoming an alpha player in early July and it has been a fun ride. I believe I've helped a lot with finding bugs, providing info of how to improve some features and giving suggestions for new features. Below is some of my thoughts in regard to the MP side of things, the release of EA and my experiences from the alpha/beta.

Honestly MP is lacking quite a lot. There is multiple key game modes from warband that are missing which aren't only more fun for players but yield a much better combat environment for testers - therefore helping players give more feedback and feedback that is more accurate. They are mainly duel & battle. And some features just don't make combat fun; yes people go on about 'muh warband has better combat', but in many ways it is true. The combat is subjective, it certainly has been improved in some areas but personally to say it is an overall improvement on warband's combat is untrue. Yes, shield bashes are nice in bannerlord, archery feels always pretty damn nice but... the combat itself on foot? It feels janky, sluggish and regularly unresponsive. Chambers are basically non-existent any more because they're that complicated and hard to do, kicking is just asking to die because the enemy isn't stunned long enough for you to be able to hit him and it the time you're stunned with the animation leaves you open to even being attacked yourself. Hit boxes are horrendous, on countless occasions I've had my shield raised in FRONT of the enemy, and they've just hit through my shield. And don't get me started on side swings. When you get hit, your weapon being drawn animation is cancelled, so when you're an archer and you're being attacked, you draw your weapon to defend yourself and more often than not your weapon doesn't draw and you don't realise in the heat of the moment so you are there frantically trying to defend yourself but your weapon won't draw/you are fighting thinking your weapon is out but in-fact your bow is out instead. Shield HP is insane, doesn't make it fun trying to break someone's shield when you have to hit the shield a couple dozen times to do so; there has been some nerfs to the shield HP a few patches ago in the beta where it is noticeable for first tier shields to actually break now but apart from that, there is little difference. Spears are really broken, they are so OP, not as bad as they used to be but still really unbalanced - and before some respond saying 'muh they are powerful IRL', it really isn't a valid argument because we need to find the balance between IRL and the fun of a game. The blocking delay - BTW there was one in warband for all those trying to say there wasn't, just not as drastic, but the delay is infuriating when you KNOW you should have blocked an attack, and probably would have and the game instead decides to stop you. In part, I agree with the delay, it helps slow down spammers but again that has gone too far, and I can't even feint half the time and I end up in duels which are just boring because I find it hard to fool the enemy with my swings. Also, those saying cav is harder in bannerlord... they're so wrong lmao. Cavalry feels smooth, yes, but how easy it is to use just makes it boring for me to even play that class. Javelins are too numerous and their damage for some are too high and accuracy is insane, especially from afar. All things we've been pointing out from the very start of the alpha and it feels with a lot of things we've been either ignored or just a minor change has been pushed through to try to make us seem 'satisfied'. I've even reported a certain bugs which was rather feature-breaking which hasn't got any acknowledgement from dev or even seem to have had any look. The thread has been around for approximately 7 months and it is rather infuriating to not even see an option for this.


Coming away from the combat itself, the lack of customisation in the game is shocking, at least for MP. The class system is concerning - it wouldn't be so bad if it was an option alongside gear customisation, but it isn't. I've sort of admitted and accepted that it isn't going to change, therefore waiting for modders to implement it themselves - which is a sad reality really when it is clear that the overall player base are not supportive of this feature that has been forced upon us and needing to await for the community to mod it for a fix. There is also no customisation for multiple profiles for several characters like in warband. You can't save your character, have multiple profiles, change your name or have your own banner. Even your steam profile picture is slapped onto the scoreboard. There is no sense of 'privacy' in regard to wanting to make a character without someone instantly goes "Oh look it is x person!" - having to change your steam profile is a really poor alternative as I don't like changing my name/profile picture generally and I shouldn't be forced to do it every time I want a different name or picture (even though I'd rather have no picture at all as an option!). This severely hinders the potential of mods and servers such as role-play servers.

I was lucky enough to become one of the first alpha testers, when the external game testing was a mere whisper. It was an exciting experience, overtime after reporting bugs and issues less attention had been taken to what we did. Sometimes optimisation for the game was so bad I didn't even want to play, but a lot of the time I understood because it was in alpha/beta. We're in EA now, where you have to pay like £35 (£40 after sale) for the game and personally I don't even feel the MP side of bannerlord is in a playable state. SP I think constitutes to being an EA game, as a lot of content is missing like scenes, quests etc, which would be seen as an EA worthy title but, MP side is a complete mess, and a lot of it is down to stubbornness from TW. If I'm blunt, as a massive mount & blade fanboy, I only brought the game for SP, in its current state I would not have even -considered- buying the game from an MP perspective (aka, if the game was only MP I wouldn't have considered buying it) and I haven't touched the MP side since the game released in EA. Please can we see some changes which makes the game more fun, and responses from Devs feel less artificial and responses themselves become more frequent. Thanks for reading my rant, feel free to comment your thought below.
Have 3k hours in warband multiplayer and agree about most of the points. It feels like they wanna be more casual, have game be like chivalry/mordhau/modern FPS games instead of their own unique flavor. The spears feel really weird in this one because you can't thrust and aim them left/right, you gotta be facing enemy directly face to face. Also 90% of the time the cav gets away after being stopped dead in their tracks with a spear thrust.
Waiting for battle/duel servers, or even smaller 10v10 TDM server where you can recognize players/try out stuff, otherwise right now everything feels like no-name same looking units fighting.
During Beta I played 200 games of Captain Mode, Some Team deathmatch, siege tests and rarely skirms. Sadly I didn't do much reporting just playing for what it was.

Yea I agree that Multiplayer this Month is like still playing Beta. Disconnects and Battle Server Crashes are still there but it is indeed Early Access so that is excpected...

Main issues I've seen that could make this Multiplayer more fun in it's first few weeks.

Team Deathmatch
- Fix Spawns to be one sided in Multiple areas, Add a few more maps from Beta. Instead of the Free for all spawn.
Skirmish & Captain - I like to see something higher then 6v6 but that's just my opinion, My favorite mode from Beta is Captain Mode would love to see some unique stuff from this later down the road. Wish there was a better way to join games then the Queue system. Also Archers in Captain have a tendency to clump up even in Spread apart formation.
Siege - At the Moment is set at 120 maybe 200 player or too early? Add a few maps from the beta and also please add servers for both US, Europe and East Asia all I see is Oceania Servers it better then Queue up waiting ( I notice matches start faster when set to Europe).

Of course later down the road...

Add Duel and Battle mode.

Callum Said: "We are aware that private servers are a highly requested feature, and we will do what we can to provide the server files as soon as we can. But, unfortunately, we are not at that stage yet, and most likely won't be until closer to the full-release."

So safe to say that it might be awhile to start seeing some noticeable changes good or bad.

Right now I'm just playing the game for what it is, still having some fun. My hope is seeing a Stronghold Mod where you Build Castles similar to Persistent World. Like playing a 3rd Person Real time Strategy. Hell I love to see Captain Siege or Captain Mode with more players. In Napoleonic Wars the Commander battles were enjoyable but I hated getting shot across the map. There's some inbalances with factions but I find it fun to go against odds.
Even setting aside some of the problems with gameplay raised in the OP, @Byas raises a great point about servers. It's difficult to make the best out the game in spite of its flaws, as well raised above, having hardly any flexibility on how to play Multiplayer.

Whilst of course privately hosted servers would go a long way to solve this issue, the lack of custom servers (TW hosted) means its near impossible to play with friends in a group greater than 6. Similarily, its near impossible to play TDM with friends, even just a group of 6, as you cannot queue for it meaning you will be lucky to get on the same team.

I believe Skirmish mode is really well thought out, and a solid gamemode all round, with 6v6 being an ideal size. I'm sure that with time queue time will decrease, as I'm sure TW will increase server capacity to meet demand. An option to create a match were you can choose opponants I'm sure will come later down the line, which would help start of the competitive scene, without the need for private servers.
There are tons of good points regarding how trash and simplified multiplayer is, and in angers me, to say at least that they still do not want to get rid of their wicked idea. Bannerlord combat is nowhere near warband one, matchmaking is unnecessary and in general i am greatly disappointed, ever since i got elected as a closed beta tester and downloaded the game for the first time. It's still OK, literal OK, not great, not unplayable, it's playable, and i will still play it, but it is nowhere near the warbands level.
Have 3k hours in warband multiplayer and agree about most of the points. It feels like they wanna be more casual, have game be like chivalry/mordhau/modern FPS games instead of their own unique flavor. The spears feel really weird in this one because you can't thrust and aim them left/right, you gotta be facing enemy directly face to face. Also 90% of the time the cav gets away after being stopped dead in their tracks with a spear thrust.
Waiting for battle/duel servers, or even smaller 10v10 TDM server where you can recognize players/try out stuff, otherwise right now everything feels like no-name same looking units fighting.
Those casual games - Chivalry, Mordhau, modern FPS' - have a large player-base for the first year or two, then die. Warband has outlasted all of them in player count and is 10 years old. They should've stuck to what their community, which was large, wanted, instead of dumbing the game down. Such a work of art ****ed.
Those casual games - Chivalry, Mordhau, modern FPS' - have a large player-base for the first year or two, then die. Warband has outlasted all of them in player count and is 10 years old. They should've stuck to what their community, which was large, wanted, instead of dumbing the game down. Such a work of art ****ed.
TaleWorlds has a greater-than-thou complex with it's fan base. I can respect them pushing their vision on the single player and believe they do have great vision for it. However when it comes to multiplayer I cannot respect a company that shoves its multiplayer vision on its player-base's throat because they 'must know better than us'.

I have never once, out of countless examples; seen a company ostracize its fan-base to force their vision, not completely and utterly fail.

I'm sorry TW but you can't force people to enjoy your content. We the customer decide if it is enjoyable or not, and not listening to us is going to spell failure for MP if it's not addressed.
The point people keep making about there being a lack of customization on Bannerlord compared to Warband is completely overblown. Once the metas were established in Warband, nobody deviated from them anyway up until the game died. The variety came from CRPG and mercs. Ive been around since Warband beta and by and large, the community has been toxic, completely uncooperative, adverse to any sort of change and half of them resorted to cheating anyway, I dont blame the devs for lumping everyone together and not wanting to listen when the community has shown that they cant self regulate - Bradley
The point people keep making about there being a lack of customization on Bannerlord compared to Warband is completely overblown. Once the metas were established in Warband, nobody deviated from them anyway up until the game died. The variety came from CRPG and mercs. Ive been around since Warband beta and by and large, the community has been toxic, completely uncooperative, adverse to any sort of change and half of them resorted to cheating anyway, I dont blame the devs for lumping everyone together and not wanting to listen when the community has shown that they cant self regulate - Bradley
You either were completely blind or weren't very involved in the community at that time then. M&B vets were begging for changes from beta until years after. The one time they made a few changes, they were completely and utterly broken, like 360 spin kicking and they reverted the changes and held radio silence for the rest of Warband's life. M&B multiplayer has always been an unsupported after-thought.
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The point people keep making about there being a lack of customization on Bannerlord compared to Warband is completely overblown. Once the metas were established in Warband, nobody deviated from them anyway up until the game died. The variety came from CRPG and mercs. Ive been around since Warband beta and by and large, the community has been toxic, completely uncooperative, adverse to any sort of change and half of them resorted to cheating anyway, I dont blame the devs for lumping everyone together and not wanting to listen when the community has shown that they cant self regulate - Bradley

You and I have had completely opposite experiences.
The point people keep making about there being a lack of customization on Bannerlord compared to Warband is completely overblown. Once the metas were established in Warband, nobody deviated from them anyway up until the game died. The variety came from CRPG and mercs. Ive been around since Warband beta and by and large, the community has been toxic, completely uncooperative, adverse to any sort of change and half of them resorted to cheating anyway, I dont blame the devs for lumping everyone together and not wanting to listen when the community has shown that they cant self regulate - Bradley

Cheating, really?
Stop making things up.
Anyone that thinks a game with no anti-cheat, CD keys that cost next to nothing and a whole group of people willing to cover for their friends had no cheaters is just being naive at best, at worst, willfully stupid, for all this talk of being a veteran players, It doesnt even look like you were paying attention. Catering to certain older players is a great way to kill the new game though, considering most already made up their minds within hours of the beta being released and wont be happy until its warband reskinned with better graphics. There are certain people I trust of course but there are others that have made a habit of being toxic idiots for years and that they are sudddenly demanding a say in how the new game is made is a joke.
After giving skirmish a fair chance it's not quite as bad as I thought at first but I still agree with all the above points.

That being said it's still unfathomable to me why there isn't gamemodes where players can actually get some meaningful practice in. I don't understand how TW expects players to get better when the only option for a "practice mode" is TDM with no friendly fire which just teaches you bad habits.

I'm enjoying skirmish but for the average player who likely never put a heap of hours into warband MP playing around primetime is a masochistic experience at best. If you aren't in a premade you just get stomped and the only "fair" matches are premade vs premade. An MMR or group queue option would solve this but skirmish queue will still die because not enough players actually enjoy it, which is a fair opinion since there is no way to get better without jumping right into the fire of the competitive mode. It just isn't fun for the average player.
half of them resorted to cheating anyway

You had some semi-valid points but the above is untrue. While cheats existed in Warband it's relatively uncommon compared to other games. It mostly comes down to A) The skill ceiling is high and the difference between a player who thinks he can play the game and a player that actually can at a competitive level is massive. B) Veteran players consequently don't need to cheat to feel good about themselves and aren't interested in honing skills with cheats, cheaters aren't interested in putting down the honest effort to actually become good at the game (which is far less straightforward than your typical cheat infested first person shooter where almost only pixel perfect aim is necessary). There were exceptions of course.
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