Multiplayer has only 1 class

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I don't understand why each faction in multiplayer has only one class, that has all the weapons in it.  Are they trying to say that vikings were the jack of all trades or just to lazy to do anything with multiplayer so  they threw it all into 1 class and why does this 1 class have a ridiculous amount of speed and even more ridiculous amount of strength?

This dlc...  :roll:
Let's make a distinction between design choices and things that plain don't work.

I'm fine with the design choice to only have 1 class in principle, but I wonder how that'll play out in practice.
hrotha said:
Let's make a distinction between design choices and things that plain don't work.

I'm fine with the design choice to only have 1 class in principle, but I wonder how that'll play out in practice.

I see archer/cavalry spam happening, and general balance issues.
I agree, that's what I expect to happen. Especially archer spam, since horses seem to be expensive (I think? I could only check one or two before crashing).

Maybe it'll be archer+cav spam plus lots of starting money in every server. :\
it makes no sense.  why does that archer sitting in the back get to have the same armor/weapons that you get to have, as melee.  And that archer sitting in the back... yeah, he has the same damn stats as you. 
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