Missing shaders fix/Feron retexture (Download to improve graphics)

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Legs are ready:
I was trying to make these to look "fiendish", we have too many humanoids already :smile:.

Now I have a few concepts for the head, let me decide which I like more.
Deon, what about the weapon for the spiderkin? In my opinion, the sword is already overused, so i would actually like them to have something else, like an a glaive of some sort.
I agree, either giving them extremely short weapons or long weapons would be interesting.
Actually i got a better suggestion, give them a hand mesh that looks like a spider's leg, and make it moderate in length(big one like u see in the giant-spider-kill-human movies). Since the hand is in a static form, no vertex animation is required. Then give them an invisible mesh for the one handed weapon and only allow swinging attacks. Thus, u have a perfect spider like weapons without much trouble. The only trouble you would most likely encounter is to position of the mesh in wings3d so that it would look proper working as a arm mesh.
I was thinking of composite bows and daggers in close combat, however I've got an idea about hands-claws too.
Well, I'm ok with hands-claws, just give them a throwing weapon which looks like a web when it flies. They need ranged attack to be more dangerous, also I can make a mesh of a flying web later.

Here's a head idea:


I may change it a bit but I quite like it as it is.
There's just a minor thing remained: claws for hands. Other than that, they are finished.

Sorry for necroing this..
Is the shader fix included in the latest 3.01 patch?
If not, is there another place where I can get the shader fix?


That link no longer works..

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