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Playing so far, i believe the worst part of the game is the grand strategy.
I'm not expecting something at the level of crusader kings, but there are a few things that really broke immersion.
Here a list of fix/suggestion:
  • Since i joined the Aserai kingdom, they are constantly at war, and with war i mean 3-5 war at a time. We are obviously loosing on all fronts, but even after a peace is declared, the kings decide to start another war (sometimes with the same kingdom he just made peace with!!). There is clearly something to fix here, it is like the AI is not considering the fact that we are already in 3 other wars and we do not have the resources to start a fourth one.
  • Armies' target seems to be choosen randomly, sometimes they decide to reach one side of the map, just to change their mind in the middle and come back from where they started from. There is clearly a lack of "grand vision" on the army strategy, they simply run toward the most efficient target of this very exact moment, without having perception of before-after. Also, it would be nice of them to keep in consideration their own influence points (like: does it make sense to reach the other side of the map if you do not have influence points to keep an army united for this long?).
  • I like the army creation mechanic, however i believe a king should be able to coordinate his vassal even without creating one. A system of dispatching orders would be very nice, something like "defend the nord", "attack this castle", "move toward that city". Dispatched order may cost influence points, and might be used by vassals too, for example requesting assitance from nearby parties. This would hopefully prevent the parties to simply run around like overgrown bandits and act like a proper united kingdom.
  • Castles are too easy to attack and too difficult to defend, and it makes more sense to abandon a siege (rather than defend it), coming back later to siege it after it passed to the enemy. This cause castles to constantly swap ownership and became a burden to keep, while in reality they should act like a shield against invasion/a ram into enemy land. I think the main solution is to revisit the siege mechanic, but there are already many post about this topic so I wont talk about it here
  • Escaping from battles should be a thing. Current battle ends with total annihilation of an army/party, which is not really historically accurate and makes the snowball effect easier to happen. A party should always be able to run a battle both before fighting it (try to save all the units), and during a fight (only the ones that reach the border will be considered). The number of lost units should be proportional to the relative speed, however, all the units that flee alive should be considered wounded (the idea is: they flee away in a disorder manner, and take some time to rejoin their army). In this way even a very fast party would found himself empty after fleeing, and needs to wait a few days before going back to its strenght.
Nice to see someone else, who wants this game to be ck2 with actual gameplay^^
All my posts in this forum pretty much aim to do that and i saw many others who also would like to go in that direction. CK2 brothers UNITE!
Agreed. It's annoying to have an army pass 3 castles to besiege a city deep in enemy territory. What's the point of castles if they don't deter an invasion?
Nice to see someone else, who wants this game to be ck2 with actual gameplay^^
All my posts in this forum pretty much aim to do that and i saw many others who also would like to go in that direction. CK2 brothers UNITE!

tell me about it. just imagine what this game can be if they implement some of the ck2 mechanics. dejure wars, assassinations npcs with goals and ambitions, councils, the possibility to scheeme your way to the top of the social ladder. wars to dethrone your liege lord. its all possible. or so i hope hahahhahaha
To the in battle retreat order. Why do battles always have to end in total victory or total annihilation. There should be a retreat order during battle. A mix of tactics and leadership, and also how many retreat during battle, should correlate how many troops were able to retreat amd muster back together to you. (Tho the number should be low)

Campaign map should then give you a short speed burst. Shouldn't be too great, but with the lose of troops and the small speed boost. It makes for a proper retreat and run, without the decimation.
like CK2's strategic AI. Obviously M&B2 is a very different game, focus more on combat and actions rather than grand strategy. But If M&B2 can add some very basic strategic ideas from CK2, I believe M&B2 will be much more playable and fun.

(very basic is enough, M&B2 doesnt need a too complicated strategic system)
It would be nice you send orders to your army and an enemy intercedes and the order never gets there! Imagine the possibilities.
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