Hideouts are broken

Do you think hideouts are broken?

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I don't know if it's intended to work this way, but why are you forced to take a only a handful of men to invade a hideout of 40+ bandits? This must be a bug, I can't see why they would've designed it this way it's a tad stupid. Even with elite troops, 10 men isn't enough to take on 40 archers. I know realism maybe doesn't matter all that much in videogames, but what absolute idiot would choose to take so few men into an enemy base? Is there a way to remedy this that I'm unaware of that doesn't require you to cheat?
well in Warband you also take a handful of man to take out bandit hideout... also those 40+ bandits aren't banded together, they are spread in group of 5-6 MAX .. so if you get your men in formation and not give full charge order hideout is piece of cake, as you only attack 5-6 bandits at a time ... unless your game is bugged and entire hideout spawns in one place.
The things i hated (it got patched) is that when/if you die, your party disappear and you taken captive, regardless of having a full army waiting outside the hideout, and the other one being (in my case) if i have for example 10 recruits and 10 Vlandian Sergeants it will randomly give me troops so i end up attacking hideout with 10 recruits regardless of having better tier soldiers in the party.
Just do it in multiple tries, you can always flee after killing some, even if you die and have units in you army left you will be dragged out and can try another night. Actually this is something I like in bannerlord so far, you can't make assumptions, like "game makes me go into 6 vs 40, so I have to do this in one go", it's not necessarily logical, but it's fun to learn anew.
Just do it in multiple tries, you can always flee after killing some, even if you die and have units in you army left you will be dragged out and can try another night. Actually this is something I like in bannerlord so far, you can't make assumptions, like "game makes me go into 6 vs 40, so I have to do this in one go", it's not necessarily logical, but it's fun to learn anew.
I hadn't considered fleeing and coming back to pick them off slowly, I'll do that. In warband, there were some encounters where you simply couldn't flee and for some reason I'd thought you couldn't here, I'm not sure why I didn't try that. Still, I do think it's rather silly to take only a handful of men into a hideout. I imagine it will take me quite some time to deal with Forest bandit hideouts.

Thanks for the replies anyway guys.
It makes no sense to me at all either, especially when you there are 30 guys waiting for you.
What would be your excuse to the villager who sent you clearing the hideout:

- Sorry sir, could not clear the hideout.
- Darn, how come? Don't you have a 60 men army well equipped and well trained?
- Yes, but I decided to go and attack them with 7 men.
- Are you mad or stupid?
- Both.
- Why would do such thing?
- No idea. Seemed smart.
- I hate you

*Your relation with the village elder changed from 5 to -5
Hideouts are a piece of cake. Just take the best units and make sure you have the best units at the top of the party list and recruits at the bottom of the list just like in Warband. In this game you just drag and drop the unit to the place you want them on the party list. The hire on the list the more they will show up in battles and at hideouts. One thing about hideouts is if they have prisoners you get very high tier units as a reward and most of the time you get great weapons and armor too.
Narratively the idea is hideouts are difficult to access and you can't bring a whole army.
They should make that clear in the text.
The alternative - bringing your entire party - would obviously make it too easy to defeat a hideout.

Do as Lornloth0 says :smile:
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