Got me a town, now what?

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    Hi there!
So, I got me a town, as a rebel, and I am enemy with only one faction. What should I do to develop the city, where should I spend my money first? How do I recruit any troops, get taxes, make some money to develop further. Should I expand or develop first and then go to the next one?

        Desperate for some answers, thanks in advance for any help......
Go, get all of the Lords you've buttered up, and switch them over. Then, take them and their armies, and march on the smallest, most out of the way castle the enemy faction has. There, use your forces, take the castle, leave no troops in the garrison, and then go back to your city for a feast.

Next, call your faction, "The Kingdom of Swadia," change your name to "King Harlaus," and do whatever you want to enjoy yourself whilst ignoring whatever wars come your way.

Lol you sounded like the guy from the news reports on horrible histories
Bob Hale FTW
itifonhom said:
    Hi there!
So, I got me a town, as a rebel, and I am enemy with only one faction. What should I do to develop the city, where should I spend my money first? How do I recruit any troops, get taxes, make some money to develop further. Should I expand or develop first and then go to the next one?

        Desperate for some answers, thanks in advance for any help......

If you are playing WFaS, it is you against the whole map by yourself.  Take out the faction you are at war with while maintaining peace with the rest of the factions.  I usually recruit a messenger for any city/fortress I take so I can issue commands to that city through the messenger and do not have to be there to order new buildings or recruit tax/merchant/commanders.  Second person you should recruit is a commander, so you can recruit troops at that city...but make sure you have an armory there first so you can recruit one.  As a rebel, you can not recruit any lords and even if you defeat a faction, the lords will not migrate to a rebel.

My strategy is to take out lords first.  I attack the lords of the faction I am fighting and try to capture and jail them in my city.  I usually try to capture about half their lords and then I start to attack their cities.  Since you have no help, you better be good at seiges.  You will need a follower or yourself with an engineering skill of at least 5, the higher, the shorter time it takes to plant an explosive.

Regarding seiges.  If you are lucky and get the option to break through the front gate, always take that.  Make sure you have lots of musket troops and just plant them where you start and have them shoot the enemy as they stream out of their gate.  After you kill around 60-80% of the enemy, you will win that segment and go on to fight them in the street.  This is 3 of your people and you fighting up to 6-8 of the enemy troops.  If you win here, you will get the option of fighting them in the center of town (which is the Lords room).  It will be you and 2 of your people fighting 5-6 of the enemy.  If you win all 3 segments, the city is yours.

Demolishing the walls is the usual option.  If you are able to defeat 5-6 waves of the enemy and still have troops left, you will get the option of fighting in the streets and then fighting in the center of town.  If you win all 3, you get the city.

If the city has less than 150 to 160 troops, you can win outright and not have to fight the last 2 segments because he would have run out of troops before the 5-6 waves.

Usually you need to be able to command at least 120 troops to win seiges because you will run out of reinforcements before they run out of new enemies....150 troops will give you the ability to have full reinforcement waves.

It doesnt matter how many troops the city has, you just need to defeat about 140-160 of their troops before you run out of reinforcements to advance to the next 2 stages and if you win those, the city will fall.  Even if there were 600 troops there to begin with, you will capture it.  You have to defeat the 6 waves in one sitting.  If you get knocked out and were able to defeat 120 troops, you do not get the next 2 stages.  If you fight again, you will have to defeat all the enemies waves again.  Having high first aid skill is important in seiges as this will heal you between the 3 stages, otherwise if you were severly injured during the first part, you will enter the next 2 stages severly handicapped.

I never release any captured lords.  Even if you defeat that faction, they will migrate to another faction that you will have to eventually defeat.
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