MP Musket Era Modern Full Invasion: Zulu

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Did a quick search and apparantly that shape was used for trowing. And I believe the Zulu axe is one handed:


And in google this Zulu War club is most commonly seen for melee:

Alright I found a really good reference for a zulu war club
Interesting. So now for Zulu weapons we have: Spear. Club. Axe. Rifle. Trown Spear? I believe thats actually it right?

If so we must see whether some weapons had some kind of status, meaning only the older and more veteran warriors would use it. (So in later waves more of that)

Also I think it would be good if damage is done realistic. Would fit with the accuracy of the mod. So a axe in your chest and your dead, spear in your chest and your dead etc. Zulu bots should be clearly superior in melee. Even more so for the veteran warriors.
Phalanx300 said:
Interesting. So now for Zulu weapons we have: Spear. Club. Axe. Rifle. Trown Spear? I believe thats actually it right?

If so we must see whether some weapons had some kind of status, meaning only the older and more veteran warriors would use it. (So in later waves more of that)

Also I think it would be good if damage is done realistic. Would fit with the accuracy of the mod. So a axe in your chest and your dead, spear in your chest and your dead etc. Zulu bots should be clearly superior in melee. Even more so for the veteran warriors.

I mean i know they get guns, but i think it should be a bit more like it already is:

Bots = Power in Numbers
Players =  Power in numbers, if not: MOAR ARMOUR!!!

Im thinking it should take 3-5 hits with a club/axe to kill you. Maybe 2-3 I dont know. The bigger warriors should take less hits to kill you, and so forth. Bosses 1-2 hits, MAYBE 3. Keep in mind, this is supposed to be a last stand game, not "How long can you survive the first wave" kinda mod.

I thought the idea was to make this a accurate mod?

Full Invasion? Historically accurate?? lul so the shield has wrong hand grips, If you feel it isnt done right, then make a new one for us :3

As for historical accuracy: Expecting that from a full invasion patch is a bit much to hope for. Yes period accurate weapons, uniforms, etc, but I think that seeing what we are making, I dont think many people mind if we do a bit off the course of history. Is it completely horrible that it isnt a single pole going up the back? No..... And besides: The most you see of the shield is the front anyway lol.
So this wont be an accurate mod then? We're fighting Zulus here, melee should be a last resort. Zulu should be clearly superior in melee. English however have the firepower which the Zulu lack.
Phalanx300 said:
So this wont be an accurate mod then? We're fighting Zulus here, melee should be a last resort. Zulu should be clearly superior in melee. English however have the firepower which the Zulu lack.

Im thinking it should take 3-5 hits with a club/axe to kill you. Maybe 2-3 I dont know. The bigger warriors should take less hits to kill you, and so forth. Bosses 1-2 hits, MAYBE 3. Keep in mind, this is supposed to be a last stand game, not "How long can you survive the first wave" kinda mod.

zobo said:
Zulu's shouldn't be THAT good in melee in my opinion since they out number the British so much. We need to keep it fun and playable :X


Also come to think of it: When did the description of this mod ever say anything about historical accuracy?
Clearly read somewhere you guys wanted to do it accurate.

And your forgetting about the English having rifles. They would pierce shields. Basicly 1 shot kills. And now you want to make them super humans in melee as well? Im not saying they should always die in melee. Remember there are also barricades keeping them at bay. They player would be able to stab over them. Also in melee your not completely defenceless, you have a bayonet. A single stab should be able to kill them, just like how they could kill you.

Would add more suspense rather then having superhumans. 3-5 hits to kill you? :/

Clearly read somewhere you guys wanted to do it accurate.

And your forgetting about the English having rifles. They would pierce shields. Basicly 1 shot kills. And now you want to make them super humans in melee as well? Im not saying they should always die in melee. Remember there are also barricades keeping them at bay. They player would be able to stab over them. Also in melee your not completely defenceless, you have a bayonet. A single stab should be able to kill them, just like how they could kill you.

Would add more suspense rather then having superhumans. 3-5 hits to kill you? :/

Its almost impossible to understand a tone someone typed something out in, but I have a suspicious feeling you typed that with a very skeptical, if not sarcastic tone. Somehow, this is getting me a tad annoyed. To avoid any harsh words being said in the future lets make it so you really do understand the mod your looking at....

Clearly read somewhere you guys wanted to do it accurate.

I can believe we said that. I dont feel like digging through pages of posts to find it, but your taking it to the extreme. THIS HAS TO BE THIS AND SUCH AND IF NOT YOUR MOD IS HORRIBLE. Once more: Gameplay > Accuracy.

Let me ask you: If your playing this mod, do you want to be killed by a random zulu spear on the 2nd to last boss and not have a chance to respawn


get hit once with it and have half health left, get scared sh-tless and go heal like a maniac.

Gameplay > Accuracy. This mod will be accurate to a point. And to tell the truth, I dont think much of the small bumps in it will be looked at once your actually PLAYING the game. When fighting off 20 bots with no help, i dont think you'll care too much if they have a slightly different club or something silly. All you'll care about is "RELOAD FASTER ZOMFGGGG"

And your forgetting about the English having rifles. They would pierce shields. Basicly 1 shot kills.

.... I dont think this needs any comment other than:

Most guns are 1 HIT KILLS. Go to full invasion vanilla. Arquebuse: 1 SHOT KILL. RIFLE: 1 SHOT KILL.
And if I can forget, then you can to. Your also forgetting that THERE ARE MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF ENEMIES RUNNING TOWARDS YOU GETTING CLOSER ANY SECOND. You think they will stand still saying "Hey, mates, listen up. That guy over there has a gun. Lets stand still, hold our shields up, and pray he misses us or hits the shield. MAYBE the shield will deflect it a little. Right, Zooboo, Shaka, you go test it out. on your way now!"

Yes they have shields. No they do not stand still and take it. Yes, those shields do block in melee. Yes, most rounds you WILL get into a melee. Thats why you have a bayonet. Yes, you will be able to kill the zulus. If you havent noticed, almost ALL enemies in the full invasion mod are killable with anywhere from 1-2 to 2-3 hits from most, if not all weapons.
And if you wanted this to be historically accurate too: A bayonet can also do 1 hit kill damage. Getting stabbed with that English Steel is going to hurt. A lot.

And now you want to make them super humans in melee as well?

Have you ever played a full invasion game?
Even the flippin archers in that game are super humans in melee. The zulus are too. infact, MOST things in the game are epic at melee, it just comes down to one factor in most Full Invasion matches:


They player would be able to stab over them
You already can... Have you played full invasion o_O

Also in melee your not completely defenceless, you have a bayonet. A single stab should be able to kill them, just like how they could kill you.

Wait a minute....

And now you want to make them super humans in melee as well?

I.... Ahm.... Alright then. Contradictory statement. Fair enough.

Would add more suspense rather then having superhumans. 3-5 hits to kill you?

If I were to add a poll with the choices being A: Do you want to die in one hit like real life or B: Take a couple hits, because dying sucks and waiting for 5 minutes while you watch all of your friends and teammates laughing while playing and joking around sucks too, I think the majority would say I WANT TO LIVE!!!!

Gameplay > Realism.
Is maya easy right now im using Wings 3d i know its not the best program when it gets more complex but its still good. So is maya easy and do you reccomend it
Well I recommend what your most familiar with. I started with maya so I stuck with maya. It's not easy from going to a program you've used for a long time to a brand new program with a different layout and functionality. All modeling programs do the same thing, some have more features than others. But all of them are capable of making quality models. I would recommend  you to stick with what you know best and only make the switch if you are really dedicated to going into the blue and learning it.
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