Elder Scrolls 5:Skyrim

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Ringwraith #5 said:
Oh of course it's going to be the same old cop-out as usual. It's traditional, just like starting in prison. TES heroes start out in obscurity, rise to be the most important person in the world in a matter of weeks, then fade away again just as quickly.

Except that the glorified waterboy of Oblivilol is now Sheogorath. If it's really canon that the Imperials finally kicked Stormcloak arse, I could very well imagine the Dragonborn rising to become the emperor and giving himself some fancy pancy Imperial name.

Hammerfell actually sounds like a good choice for the next TES as well. Redguards are cool as hell. My first character to reach high levels in Morrowind was a redguard.
Teofish said:
What I enjoyed the most about Dawnguard was not having to be "the CHOSEN one!" But rather tagging along something of a lesser such.
Now you know how Jews feel. :smile:

Anyway, it's interesting that enough people here are tired of being treated as legendary heroes after only a bit of clicking and some mediocre skill. That means that you may be too old for games, or rather there are not enough games for your age.
Most games are male adolescent power fantasies and TES games also qualify as such.

For example, a more realistic and adult TES game would give the player a more established starting character as a veteran soldier that doesn't start in prison, but as a town guard or one of the many people in the mercenary business.
The PC would then travel across the game world, forge deeper relationships with lesser NPCs and be able to participate in historic events in some lesser role.
At the end, he may retire from the adventuring career as a guard captain of a remote town. Not quite the (insert adjective) Champion, but surely more realistic and meaningful on a personal level.
MadVader said:
For example, a more realistic and adult TES game would give the player a more established starting character as a veteran soldier that doesn't start in prison, but as a town guard or one of the many people in the mercenary business

Good thing there are mods like random start for that.
Eh, i got a spawn at a drauger nest. Even worse was i was using requiem and a number of other mods that make the game alot harder. Safe to say i died about 15 times before i managed to run like hell out of there and survive
Nahkuri said:
Except that the glorified waterboy of Oblivilol is now Sheogorath.
Oblivion mixed with good story gave birth to the Shivering Isles expansion. Every single thing, from tiny little plant to demented humanoid was extremely interesting with a fleshed out back-story which easily attracted the player. It is Elder Scrolls done right, a unique concept offering plenty of thrills.
Yup. Nehrim was goddamn awesome, better than Oblivion in many ways. Really looking forward to this. Apparently they aren't going to spend quite as much time detailing every little bit of the gameworld, and instead concentrate more on the plot, quests and the like. Should be good.
Oh yeah, that does look awesome. I never played the original Nehrim because I was too disgusted and disillusioned with Oblivion to ever go anywhere near it again, but I'm definitely going to give this a bash. First I have to actually finish Skyrim, though. I have to say with all the DLC and patches it's a much better game than it was a year ago when it came out.
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