Did Banners ever get added?

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They've said it's not their priority to add them, they will probably be a surprise in a future patch
they'll have to get a perk for "banners wave 2% faster" refactored into the skill tree and working first, probably leadership lvl 275 :wink:
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it sounds like adding banners to the game is not something trivial, although the implementation seems to be done. I am curious about what the block is. Optimization over graphic performance? Compatibility with troops? Lack of content compared to what they plan to? It would be great to have some developer answers.
I don't think it's because of performance issues. I run the mod bear my banner. Playing with an old GTX 770, and running cloth physics with banners without any problems at all.
Very strange that when the name of the game "BANNERlord" the actual banners got demoted as low on the priority list. Thats like if Star Citizen left out any actual Stars "Ahh will throw some dots in at the end.."
Good banners is an hot potato they need to adress later for sure. The ones they have now is to basic for this game
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