OSP Medieval Crusaders Way to Expiation - OSP Pack

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I was stupid and its fine. The file has everything I just made a mistake.
Well, the white texture is easy. You probably forgot to copy the textures, or to put into the bef file the textures or material. The wrong position, you need to attach the flag force_armature.
Taragoth said:
Does the package come with the animated 'main nord menu' ? I'd love to play or learn how to do that.  :shifty:

Yes, it does. But half of the work is shader stuff. And, they aren't open source. So If you want to use this, you will want to get mb.fx from it.
How can I solve this problem?

Rhotromir said:
How can I solve this problem?


Looks like a problem with the material/textures of the mesh. Make sure the textures are loaded in a brf (the textures you use have to be under the "Textures" tab in one of your mod's brfs and have to be loaded before the material using them is). Capitalization could also be a problem: make sure all references to the same texture, material or mesh are capitalized exactly the same. OpenBRF will accept wrongly capitalized references (texture_A instead of texture_a for example), but the game does not.
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