Couching Cooldown

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I'm not going to dive too far into conjecture about the balance of couches, but -

To disincentivise "permacouching" TW has a system where a couched lance becomes more wobbly and less accurate through time (this can be best seen by holding a couch for a long time whilst in first person). This can be reset by resetting the couch.

Changing from a couching animation to a non-couching animation or vice-versa takes time. These animations have an ostensibly smooth animation.

HOWEVER. Hold a couch then tap the couch key twice. The lance lifts by a tiny amount then goes back into the couch, completely eliminating any wobble in the lance. This makes "permacouching" possible.

The way to fix it seems quite simple. An additional cooldown on couching would be arbitrary and bad. However, a simple solution would be to tie the decay of the wobble effect to the time spent not couching, rather than resetting it whenever a new couch is initiated.
I watched a guy couch 3 people in a row within 100 meters. Thats broken af in skirmish. You only have 6 units on yah team!

Its fine for capt mode tho. we get 150 units per team.
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