Can't choose Brytenwalda in the launcher

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Hi guys :smile: So as you might've guessed, I've been installing Brytenwalda :razz: But there is one problem, though. I can't find the Brytenwalda tab in the launcher. I've followed a trustworthy guide on the forum, yet it still doesn't show up. I am 100% sure that everything's been checked. Please help, as this is starting to bug me out :sad: thanks in advance
Do you use Steam?
If not you should find the 'mount&blade warband' folder and check if Brytenwalda can be found in the modules folder there.

Typically it's "program files\mount&blade warband\modules\brytenwalda"

If you're on a 64 bit system it might be "program files (x86)"
Adorno said:
Do you use Steam?
If not you should find the 'mount&blade warband' folder and check if Brytenwalda can be found in the modules folder there.

Typically it's "program files\mount&blade warband\modules\brytenwalda"

If you're on a 64 bit system it might be "program files (x86)"

Thanks, but that's not the problem. I can't choose the Brytenwalda tab in the LAUNCHER. There's only native and Napoleonic Wars (DLC). I've changed the rgl_config from 15 to 512 to enhance the graphics cause I have over 3GB RAM. But that isn't a problem. It's just that there's only NATIVE and NAPOLEONIC WARS.
But Brytenwalda only shows up in the launcher if it's installed correctly.
So if you had no trouble during the installation I'm guessing it got installed the wrong place.

When you get to 'Select Destination Location' during installation, it's important to select the modules folder.
Can you check it and see if it's there, along with Native and Napoleonic Wars?
I have checked everything and it is in the correct place. It's just when I open the launcher, there's only Native and NW to choose from.
Interesting, my steam installs the mods way deeper:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules
SonOfMars said:
MadVader said:
1. What's your full Warband path?
2. Do you use a Steam installation of Warband?
1: programmes/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules
2: Yes
Hey, that was the first thing I asked!  :smile:

If you use Steam then Warband is installed in Steam. Not under 'programmes'.

Try steam/steamapps/common/mount&blade warband/modules

Or something similar like Vesku writes.
Hi, I'm really sorry to up this old topic but it exactly describes the problem I have, the only difference it's that brytenwalda mod is in the right folder (steam version), but it doesn't appear in the launcher.
Are you using Reworked?
I think I made that last version a bit confusing.
After unpacking it in the Modules, it might appear like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\Version 23 Standalone-5994-23a\BWReworkedv23Standalonenomusic122315
You want the directory line to be like this:
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\BWReworkedv23Standalonenomusic122315

If it's still not appearing, make sure you see a file called module.ini in the Brytenwalda folder.
That's what Steam looks for to know if the game is real or just a shell.
EDIT:C:/Steam/steamapps/commonMountBlade Warband/Modules/BWReworkedv23Standalonenomusic122315
I have module.ini but still can't choose in the launcher. Do you think that's possible I just need a re-installation?
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