Bug reports and known issues (< v3.0)

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Tokashi said:
i tried to find out if someone else had this problem but I do not find anything.

I have joined a family but now I cannot leave them, even if I am not any more a vassal of a king. After I have clicked the confirmation option that I do not want to be part of the family any more and the next screen shows something like "I do not want to be part of your family any more" and nothing happens. I am stuck at that screen and then I have to press alt + f4 to get out of that screen ;-(

confirmed will be fixed in next version
Scully said:
When I open "reports" I get invalid troop id every time. Very annoying. Should be an easy solution for this though, help anyone?

please post the full error message or a savegame.
The error message i posted was incorrect. After the game crashes a message appears on my desktop saying" Hash index error at variable 1"
At game menu menu_reports.
At game menu menu_reports.

That is the last part.

I also noticed now that I get a bunch of different invalid IDs when a faction changes war/peace status. Probably related somehow.
i found a bug and found a way to fix it  i got the game on impulse but when i tried to install  diplomacy it said it cant find the game so what i did was i enter a key code for the impulse version and deleted it and got the mount and blade version here and it work fine.

1 more thing I'm trying to get married and i cant because of its not happening its been 150 days so far and it still not working i have the city were I'm waiting for it to happen and there is no war what should i do to get it happening
deathcam, im on laptop so i cant move in deathcam since i dont have the num keys needed as theyre not present on laptop keyboard, could u make a alteration so that the hotkeys for moving the cam are both computer and laptop friendly?
when talking to the guild master in veluca and asking him what he does, on the last dialog, then I say "I understand" the camera pans to me but there is noone there and then it freezes (moving between 2 frames in the video window in the upper left)

the same happened one when I entered a tavern it all froze

had to restart the game
Minor bug:
After hiring two recruiters from a castle, the constable informs me that I've already hired "four recruiters from this town".
After hiring four recruiters from a town, the constable informs me that I've already hired "two recruiters from this castle".
Just something that is a bit... odd.

I wanted to get affiliated with Jarl Irya's family. OK, np. He gives me quests to raise our standings by discrediting Jarl Gearth. When i managed to get affiliated, i get kicked out the next day cause I had a bad relation with Jarl Gearth. lol

I mean, he is Jarl Irya's rival & all, but also in his family... whats the point of Irya giving me quests like that & me doing em to get better with him if he's gonna kick me on Gearth's word?
Elitech said:
Just something that is a bit... odd.

I wanted to get affiliated with Jarl Irya's family. OK, np. He gives me quests to raise our standings by discrediting Jarl Gearth. When i managed to get affiliated, i get kicked out the next day cause I had a bad relation with Jarl Gearth. lol

I mean, he is Jarl Irya's rival & all, but also in his family... whats the point of Irya giving me quests like that & me doing em to get better with him if he's gonna kick me on Gearth's word?

hehe maybe he cheated you. maybe rivals shouldn't count to the family, going to look into it.
Some lords are known to be rivals with family members. This is a big problem since the affiliate thing will recognize any enemies of the family to be an enemy. The problem is that lord rivalry aren't causing a bug since they aren't affiliates.

A loophole, so to speak.

Perhaps the expulsion will only be mete if enough of the family members dislike you.

That would be better.
it seems to be crashing more frequently (2/3hours)

at the begining of a battle/entering tavern or other place that includes myself the game frezees between 2 frames moving to one and another. if I hit alt esc and go back I get intro the menu and when I his return it is a black screen.
I DOWNLOAD this mod but i did not like patrols because you can not buy them yourself you must have your troop in garnison to make patrols so i want to download old version were you can buy patrol with your money but i can not find it can u say me link please :!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i dont no english well but i  think u will undarstand i want deplomacy mod were you can buy patrols yourself  with money and not garnisons troop
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