Bug report — Add attribute points to hero cheat command only works for main hero [1.2.8]

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Bug report — Add attribute points to hero cheat command only works for main hero [1.2.8]
campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero Asha | 10
> Hero is not found
campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero Asha the She-Wolf | 10
> Hero is not found
The order is Name then Number. According to the "help" message.

It's a bug.
separatedNames is a list with two values, the name at index 0 and a number at index 1.
The code tries to parses index 1 for a int and if it can, the next line tries to look up a hero with the number in index 1 instead of the name in index 0. Change a 1 to a 0 to fix this bug.
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