Beta Patch Notes e1.4.2

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Last comment by Callum:
"Soon" (TM)
Well, at least we have some real information now. I think the struggles we're seeing here is what has been going on for quite some time.

If I am reading his comments correctly, the refactor itself has been "done" for five weeks. That would mean all of this time has been a test->fix->test cycle. If they have documented 40-50 new bugs in internal testing, it is bound to be 100s when it reaches us. I don't know how you could realize 2 months into EA that a refactor of this scale is required.

One impression that I have gotten over the months of following things is that it appears that at least some of the developers are not doing a great job of testing their code before it reaches QA. This is just a hunch but I do wonder what their processes are in terms of Unit Testing and even Ad Hoc testing.

Anyway, if Mexxico says "at least" a week, we're probably looking at 2-3. Their burn rate against "40-50" bugs is roughly 8-10 per week and there are sure to be more detected over the next week. My guess is around July 31.
Also notice no mention of new features or content....
That´s the biggest issue, waiting for about 8 weeks for nothing, just a new update with new bugs. Then waiting like 2-3 weeks more to fix those bugs I guess. Then wait like whatever time to at least get something new that isn´t a new auto save slot or a UI change.

That´s really dissapointment.

They should change their EA description to be at least honest to new buyers.
What will this refactoring do exactly, from the point of view of a player? Will it improve performance in big battles? Will it create a base for improving AI? Or what?
Also, does the entire team have to work on this? Wouldn't some work on filling up content that is currently missing?
What will this refactoring do exactly, from the point of view of a player? Will it improve performance in big battles? Will it create a base for improving AI? Or what?
Also, does the entire team have to work on this? Wouldn't some work on filling up content that is currently missing?

I thought they had different people working on different parts of the game? :?:
We were naive to think that it was harvesting season, then.
It was and is for TW, harvesting money.

Looks like these different people have an infinite vacation. Especially the ones who create scenes >_<
Also the writers or voice actors :wink: . Or maybe they´re forced working on the code too and that´s why the code is the way it is, who knows? :wink:

Could be the janitor who is responsible for this mess?
where are the patches???
When is the new patch coming out?
Can a mod reply whether there will be a new patch this week or not?
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