SP - General Assigning companion home bases/companion army behavior

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The option to assign a companion a home region to return too after escape/release would be greatly appreciated. Rather than just going to the nearest neutral/friendly settlement, they would return to the assigned settlement. When assigned a party, they would prioritize patrolling that region and resting in the assigned settlement.

Also, if there could be some sort of implementation to prevent your parties getting recruited by armies that would also be great. I think it costs the AI 0 influence to recruit your clan parties, and its annoying having my parties sent off on some suicidal army siege/raid by AI all the time. My only options to regain control of them is to disband armies or disband the party and have to reassign troops.

With this, toggling whether or not your clan parties will raid or not would just be icing on the cake.

Thank you for all your work.
Home bases make a lot of sense; I've been wondering why they're not implemented, so I'm glad to see a thread started on this. When a Companion is released on the far side of a current kingdom opponent, it may not be safe to traipse over and pick him up. I've been relying on a workaround - I assign the loose Companion to be Governor in a fief I can get to conveniently, and he teleports there.

Because fiefs can be lost, the Home Base would need to be editable.

Regarding the plea to restrain other lords from recruiting your parties: When your party is led by a Companion, not a family member, it is being run by a commoner (since you can't grant lordship to your faithful Companions... another key idea overlooked by TW). That is different from calling another Lord to your banner (or in this case, another Lord calling a Lord to his banner). So I think it's reasonable to shield your parties run by Companions from being shanghaied into another Lord's army.
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