SP - Battles & Sieges Move to Reserve/Forbid Companion From Fighting

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If it has happened, you know how frustrating it is. You are playing with hero deaths on and your surgeon somehow always manages to die and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it outside of leaving them in a city (which ruins their entire purpose as they can not act as the party quartermaster/surgeon if you do that) before every battle.

It would be a huge QoL improvement if we could somehow prohibit a companion from fighting or move them to a reserve of sorts, so our quartermasters and surgeons wouldn't just charge over the no mans land with the recruits and peasants.
You can, in the OOB screen (just before battle) move all your companions to, for example Group 8, with all your trainee troops, then click "8" and move it (mouse) to the rear somewhere. Set - Forget, Only when you have won the battle, do you "8" , "F1", "F3"
You can, in the OOB screen (just before battle) move all your companions to, for example Group 8, with all your trainee troops, then click "8" and move it (mouse) to the rear somewhere. Set - Forget, Only when you have won the battle, do you "8" , "F1", "F3"
I am aware of this trick, and I would be happy with it as much as I find it clunky if it did work, however, you can not set an OOB in Auto-Battles and most of my companion casualties are from auto-battles.
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