Anyone who is so excited and cound't fall a sleep ?^_<

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You cant sleep just waiting for a blog/announcement? Damn. I mean i have terrible sleep but that sure isnt whats keeping me up. Maybe the day before release, sure not gonna lie.
>Global war tensions at highest level since cuban missile crisis
>Planet is cooking, multiple climate records broken every year
>Postmodern capitalism in its final death throes, inequality at highest level since the bronze age
>Society in ruins, our lives have become endless slavery to corporate evil
>The internet itself has become the most totalitarian tool of social control ever devised, makes the matrix look optimistic
>Hyperintelligent AI controls the economy while algorithms choose what we see online, Foucault and Adorno were not only correct but borderline prophetic
>Satire and dystopic fiction no longer effective tools of critiquing a world which is already infinitely more horrible than the imagination

>Bannerlord blog possibly tomorrow
>Global war tensions at highest level since cuban missile crisis
>Planet is cooking, multiple climate records broken every year
>Postmodern capitalism in its final death throes, inequality at highest level since the bronze age
>Society in ruins, our lives have become endless slavery to corporate evil
>The internet itself has become the most totalitarian tool of social control ever devised, makes the matrix look optimistic
>Hyperintelligent AI controls the economy while algorithms choose what we see online, Foucault and Adorno were not only correct but borderline prophetic
>Satire and dystopic fiction no longer effective tools of critiquing a world which is already infinitely more horrible than the imagination

>Bannerlord blog possibly tomorrow
haha we all look forward Bannerlord Released
>Global war tensions at highest level since cuban missile crisis
>Planet is cooking, multiple climate records broken every year
>Postmodern capitalism in its final death throes, inequality at highest level since the bronze age
>Society in ruins, our lives have become endless slavery to corporate evil
>The internet itself has become the most totalitarian tool of social control ever devised, makes the matrix look optimistic
>Hyperintelligent AI controls the economy while algorithms choose what we see online, Foucault and Adorno were not only correct but borderline prophetic
>Satire and dystopic fiction no longer effective tools of critiquing a world which is already infinitely more horrible than the imagination

>Bannerlord blog possibly tomorrow
I lost my **** to this.
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