300/Battle of Thermopylae MINIMOD

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Highlander said:
Duke: Yeah, looking good, (I'll have to change the trousers, but that shouldn't be hard). I guess I would rigg it anyway for you :wink:
Merlkir: looks great

redid the scale armor (I didn't like the existing one) for the Greek allies (click to enlarge)

I like it, but it doesn't really look like a Hoplite's armour. I really like the colours though. Very mediterranean.
When will the first major realease be?(mainly a actual map)

As in weeks or months? I also suggest you update the first post with screens and info of the mod right now.

Ive incountered a bug in the new version. When I try and talk to leonidas or the spartans. it crashes.

Also in the movie all the persians did have some type of uniform. Even the slaves. So I suggest to give them a robe simlar to what they had in the movie. It was basically useless tho.
And maybe rename ZENDAR, to the spartan camp. and move it a little closer the the persians.
And in the movie only Leonidas had the fur thing on his helment. Maybe in the enxt version you can remove it from the spartans besides his and that way you can give him normal colors and he would be more noticeable by his helment then color. (like the movie)
Also all the converstaions are messed up. So I cant buy food. there for they strave and the spartans desert me after awhile. So I suggest an unlimted food type deal.
Justl like swadian civil war.
And i think im finally done lol
omg. Does work in progress say anything to you?
I would gladly retexture the persian armors and clothes. But I can't run BRFedit and checking if it fits in game is slow and uncomfortable...
Dwinny said:
I like it, but it doesn't really look like a Hoplite's armour. I really like the colours though. Very mediterranean.
It's ment to be looking like this:
Thats like an hoplite armor but any1 of u have seen the movie "troy"?? in it armors of achilles´s myrmidon´s are just like an hoplite armor but htey are just wrong colour.
Highlander said:
Dwinny said:
I like it, but it doesn't really look like a Hoplite's armour. I really like the colours though. Very mediterranean.
It's ment to be looking like this:

That has actually already been mentioned on page 5 of the thread. :smile:


I think most of us are already aware that the battle of Thermopylae as portrayed in the movie is pretty much pure fantasy. The war-rhinocerous was a pretty big clue... :grin:

Lets face it, if we want to quibble what about the Persians? They really went to town on the total fantasy there! Xerxes 7 feet tall? :grin:
Highlander said:
Dwinny said:
I like it, but it doesn't really look like a Hoplite's armour. I really like the colours though. Very mediterranean.
It's ment to be looking like this:

I see. I think you should model the shoulder pads rather than just having them a part of the texture.
orwiz said:
**** why u did this on 808??

****, ****, why not? :grin:

Anyways..I would have posted some screenshots of the retextured armors, but my webspace is down so...
orwiz said:
Thats like an hoplite armor but any1 of u have seen the movie "troy"?? in it armors of achilles´s myrmidon´s are just like an hoplite armor but htey are just wrong colour.

Also, the Trojan War was almost 1,000 years before before Thermopylae.
(:) Dvd (:) said:
Wha? Wrong thread? Or did I totally miss something?


you mean the textures? the tunics are for light persian infantry and the grenade is for persian mages. Have you seen the movie? :smile:
Merlkir said:
(:) Dvd (:) said:
Wha? Wrong thread? Or did I totally miss something?


you mean the textures? the tunics are for light persian infantry and the grenade is for persian mages. Have you seen the movie? :smile:
I've seen the previews, but I didn't realize they gave the persians grenades. But that's awesome, I guess. Lol.

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