
  1. Chevu

    Resolved Family sharing singleplayer

    Summary: I've been playing bannerlord on family share option from my friend that doesn't use his pc often anymore and I been doing that for a while but since recently I can't do it no more How to Reproduce: Try starting family shared bannerlord Have you used cheats and if so which: No Scene Name...
  2. Need More Info Game launcher won't launch via Steam, via main folder, I reinstalled it several times and cleared all folders

    Summary: Game launcher won't launch via Steam, via main folder, I reinstalled it several times and cleared all folders. downloaded all necessary programs checked all drivers, nothing helps. Last time i was playing it 2 years ago, with mods, maybe its a problem, but i cleared every folder from PC...
  3. Resolved Multiplayer Badges Not Updating

    Summary: Hi I have been playing bannerlord since its release but I realized that I have yet to unlock any badges even my game hours and other play record has surpassed the requirements. Could you please update my badges manually? I am playing via steam. Bannerlord ID: mtnjgRjGcb#3460
  4. Need More Info Game refusing to launch on Steam

    Summary: Game refuses to launch after downloading and ends up crashing. How to Reproduce: Launching the game on Steam Have you used cheats and if so which:None Scene Name (if related): Media (Screenshots & Video): Computer Specs: OS: Windows 10 64bit GPU:RTX 2080 Super Founders Edition GPU...
  5. Resolved Oyun açılmıyor

    Oyunu steam üzerinden aldım modladım oynuyordum savaş öncesi yanlışlıkla alt duşuna bastım oyun çöktü ardından pc yi yeniden başlatmama rağmen oyun açılmadı Düzenleme: Oyunu silip tekrar yükledim herhangi bir değişim olmadı, oyun hala açılmıyor. Çalıştırmaya çalıştığımda ise steam üzerinde...
  6. fatrod

    Broken sprite/images after upload to Steam

    I am getting a lot of reports about broken images on the steam version of my mod (Europe 1100). Specifically my custom logo and loading screens will fail to load, and instead will show the purple/black broken texture. Does anyone know why this might be occuring? It does only seem to affect...
  7. Console Update

    Is there any timeline, status, or plan of action for the 1.2 patch to come to console? I understand that at this point, players are just as tired asking this question, as players are answering with “ Be patient..soon..just wait”. I understand that they want to take their time and make sure it’s...
  8. Worlok

    Need More Info Scene Editor Modkit publish / steam workshop breaks mod

    Could you please try to look into this issue? I have my Total Conversion mod "Hungary". I have just updated it for 1.1.5 and 1.2.0 branch but somehow the steam works upload breaks the mod (same behaviour in both versions). When I distribute it as a normal zip file which is copied into the...
  9. Resolved Game client (launcher?) plays foreign application audio.

    Summary: Game client somehow saved a URL to another steam game in it's memory and every time I launch the game - game goes to this steam page URL (on background) and autoplays audio from it. It coninues even when launcher is closed and the game itsself is opened. To summerize: - I don't have any...
  10. SP - General Post "Silent" Hotfix Patch Notes on Steam

    Hello Bannerlords! Game is great. It's also made greater by mods. It's a famously ferociously modded game. You are distibuting it via Steam. You release updates via Steam. Players would like to know if "silent" updates cause a cacaphony of issues with their mods. So, a very simple solution is...
  11. Can't publish mod on Steam workshop

    Greetings good sers ! When I try to publish my mod with cmd, i get a "couldn't find configuration file" error and the process immediately "finished...", I triple checked every path and xml files, any idea what could be wrong ? My Bannerlord game and the modding tools are the same version...
  12. Steam achievement suggestion

    Wouldn't it be nice if there is a steam achievement for conquering calradia on hardest difficulty? Hardest difficulty: Iron man mode, birth and death on, bannerlord difficulty, dissable friendly troop icons, ... ? The difficulty options, icons should be fixed when starting in iron man mode...
  13. Resolved NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_NAME_5_0

    Summary:i was adding mods to my game and suddenly the button to launch the game turned the window dark that just said "Caution", i had recently check validity of files and upon starting the game it resulted in a crash (which may have been because of my new mods) but then i got this strange...
  14. Bannerlordu hiç bir yerden oynayamıyorum

    Bundan birkaç gün önce mount and blade :Bannerlord oyununu steam üzerinden satın aldım ama oyun virüslü dosya ve istemeyecek yazılım hatasıyla sürekli launcher'a bile girmeden kapanıyordu ve bir türlü soruna çözüm bulamadım, bende steam üzerinden iade ettim ve epic games ten aldım bu seferde...
  15. Asokanta

    Resolved Getting "Steam is not open. Please open Steam" error while uploading mod to Steam Workshop

    I searched about this but literally nothing came up. Any helps? I also tried uploading mod with SteamCMD. I can upload but when I try to download it, it doesn't install mod to the warband's modules folder. I can easily log in with SteamCMD and it doesn't say "Steam is not...
  16. Consul_Kaiser

    Steam Workshop coming in soon based on Modding Kit Content update

    See below of recent changes done to the modding kit done 5 days ago: Modified – Modules/SandBox/bin/Win64_Shipping_wEditor/SandBox.dll Modified – Modules/StoryMode/bin/Win64_Shipping_wEditor/StoryMode.dll Modified – bin/Win64_Shipping_wEditor/Bannerlord.Native.exe Modified –...
  17. five bucks

    What happened to "building a criminal empire"?

    Publicly showcased Bannerlord gameplay demo from 2016:']Devblog which followed the demo: Steam Store page description, visible to everyone buying Bannerlord since March 2020: For 5 years, Taleworlds has told the 5,000,000+ people...
  18. thefirst1nvad3r

    Gaming [Steam] Offerte e Giochi Gratis del Momento

    Offerte e Giochi Gratis del Momento Ho deciso di aprire questo piccolo topic per segnalare le migliori offerte del momento su Steam, che potrebbero essere interessanti per chi è in cerca di giochi per colmare l'attesa di nuovi aggiornamenti per Bannerlord! Chiunque può segnalare un'offerta che...
  19. Riffraff99

    Why are the steam reviews so good?

    Please explain it to me, i just cant understand it. Bannerlord Steam Reviews
  20. Oggyi

    Resolved Mount & Blade Warband wont launch Steam Windows 10

    Hello, I have been trying to play Mount & Blade Warband for several days. Unfortunately I found that I can not play it because it does not start. I have informed myself before I have written the Therad and already tried everything reinstallation, clean installation, also I tried to download the...
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