
  1. SP - UI Control scheme causing windows bug, lets add a better control instead?

    Hello, So, for some reason bannerlord seems to make my computer think that the CTRL key is being held down constantly. Does not revert with the keyboard being unplugged, different keyboard has same problem, sticky keys are off and it will not revert until system is restarted. I get the feeling...
  2. SP - UI Party Size on pop-up QoL improvement

    When player hovers their mouse cursor over the size of their Party, a helpful pop-up shows the size of their forces, wounded and prisoners. I would like to also have this pop-up include the current maximum allowable. I created a helpful image attachment to illustrate my suggestion. Created...
  3. Farticle

    MP Make the default screen in the Play section the server browser

    Your matchmaking doesn't work, until it does change the default screen in the Play section to the server list. I've seen new players on Steam that can't find a game with your dumb matchmaking and assume Multiplayer straight up doesn't happen at all (as opposed to the sad reality of the servers...
  4. Keimpe

    Yeah the income screen needs some work

    https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1875211727371297809/4A60CD3B2F925D3057F37D968269C365F0246826/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false If it takes up the whole screen anyway: Why not categorize by income from plusses and losses to...
  5. Keimpe

    Auto organize

    We need a serious auto organize button. I have no clue as to why my army is disorganized.
  6. Keimpe

    Instead of being vaguely familiar with the dealings with workshops.

    Instead of being vaguely familiar with the dealings with workshops, Why not have a dedicated warning that a workshop doesn't work, or how long it takes for it to work? I bought a workshop (they are not cheap) and i get zero income from it. And i have no clue as to how or why. I know...
  7. Reinforcements order

    Hello. Here's issue: player cant control which units to have on battle start and how reinforcements should arrive. Example: I have 5 armies in my clan - horse archers, 2 x heavy cavalry and 2 x fians(yes, there's party ai overhaul mod). before battle vs 2.5k aserai i invite parties from other...
  8. SP - General Smithing QoL

    Had a look through the first 4 pages and searched for smithing, didn't look like my suggestions are mentioned. 1. Remove the original wood => charcoal recipe (1:1) from the list when you have the perk for the improved refining (1:3) 2. Ability to save weapon crafting recipes. I love the new...
  9. Moth_Queen

    MP Noob's sorrow: Imposed graphic downgrade: separate settings/create presets

    I met a friendly dude that taught me how to git gud at blocking. Guess what. Guess. What. To block good, you need to turn the graphics down by a lot (there is a "pro" list of stuff to turn off) to match 144 fps (quite a number...) minimum, and the 144 Hz screen to match that fps. Because even...
  10. SP - UI In battle, need icons over enemies' heads, not friendlies

    When I'm in battle, my eyes are trying to target enemies to hit. I don't know why I need to see who is friendly. Trying to filter enemies by seeing they do NOT have an icon is backwards, and slow for my old-man mind. Everything about it seems backwards to me. It's much worse when scanning a...
  11. SP - UI Is it possible to have a Siege ''load out'' similar to civilan load out ?

    I've been switching item for siege recently and realised the tech is here for a dedicated load out. Am I de only one who would like that ? I use a much lighter armor when i'm on the field (I'm a footman and speed is key) and i dont carry as many bolt instead i carry a pole weapon to deal with...
  12. Loaf Cat

    SP - UI Right click to close right-side notifications.

    Just a quality of life improvement. The right-side notifications that appear when you go to war, or voting starts, etc. Clicking the X is fine but it'd be much quicker and more convenient if I could right click the symbols to close the notifications. Already in the game, I'm dumb :P
  13. Dalion

    OSP Code QoL Particle Preview Presentation

    Is the description really necessary? Warband doesn't provide any ways to preview particles before using, so I made my own. IMPORTANT NOTE: I strongly advise not putting it in combat missions! Here's why: - since this presentation doesn't have prsntf_read_only flag, it disables your ability...
  14. Cannot find companion in castle

    This is an announce more than a bug as the solution so pretty easy. if you have a companion as a Castle governor and remove or replace them they remain at the castle but you cannot find them in any part of it. The solution is to set them as the governor again and then they appear in the castle...
  15. Ychop

    SP - World Map Acompany/follow option

    Hey guys, i hope there wasn't a Post prior to this topic if so, sorry ^^ So i think we need the Option warband had on the World map, where we can right click on any Group on the map to automaticly follow them. I thinkt it would improve the QOL gameplay. What Do you guys think about this, let...
  16. SP - General Improvements: Cheering - Morale - Clan - Leadership XP - Hideouts - Range OP - Naming

    Several QoL improvements to the game that I feel would improve the overall base experience. With the exception of 3a the are all super easy to mod in and thus implement in native. Hope to see these by the end of EA :) Loving the game, bugs and all. 1: A "Press X to cheer" Button that has a...
  17. Need a QoL improvement for managing statements.

    Either in my kingdom or clan page, we should be able to order buildings questions, send money, retrieve items or send extra garrisons or pull troops from them. Maybe send like a messenger as a separate party if need be. But its such a hassle to visit all my settlements across the map just to...
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