SP - UI loadouts for siege field battle hideout

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Many times I have to load game just because I forgot to replace my polearm with mace I use. Or bow I use on horse with crossbow I use for hideouts. Would be easier if there were 1/2/3 loadouts (like civilian/combat) currently dedicated to situations.
Happens to me also awful lot of times that I forget to equip my bow.

The battle inventory chest that was in previous games could solve this easily :smile: and maybe as long as you are on your horse, you could access your inventory and change it there. Horses are the ones who carry all of your stuff after all, so it makes sense :wink:


I besieged a town and found this chest:

it's just missing functionality (-;
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Can we have this?
Many times I have to load game just because I forgot to replace my polearm with mace I use. Or bow I use on horse with crossbow I use for hideouts. Would be easier if there were 1/2/3 loadouts (like civilian/combat) currently dedicated to situations.
-Since we already have a combat and a civilian outfit, would it be possible to make another one (possibly sharing the same armor with the combat outfit) so we can make a split between foot battles and field battles? I love my polearm & bow setup for open field battles, but it kinda sucks for every siege and bandit camp, where I'd rather use something with a smaller sword or axe. But constantly switching this around is a major nuisance. If we could just make 2 (or more) different weapon loadouts to choose between before every battle that would greatly improve this situation.
Not sure if this was talked about before, however a small suggestion that I think most people would enjoy is an option for a loadout before a battle. I typically use a sword, shield, pole-arm and arrows. With only being able to equip 4 items at a time, I usually switch the shield and pole-arm out depending on the scenario. For sieges I use the shield and open field fights I use the pole-arm.

The suggestion is before you engage in the battle and attack you can have a window pop up and prompt what loadout you would like to use. Be able to customize the loadouts and name them. Just a suggestion, I always forget to switch before the battles so this is mostly a convenience thing. Thanks!
So, I suggest the devs to implement a loadout presets mechanics. For example, a player may create a loadout which will be used in sieges only and a loadout which will be used for a field battles. It would be much more convenient than dragging all the weaponry manually every fight and siege, and you know that field battles and sieges are the most often things in Bannerlord.
I dunno, the running around is slow and stops me being able to command my army properly, and as Apocal said, being part of a siege without a ranged weapon is very un-fun, and I'm with Wulfsdottir in that I'm too lazy to swap weaponry between sieges and battles. It would be nice to have a siege loadout similar to the civilian/battle loadout in the inventory screen.
Town loadout doesn't make a whole lot of sense as you could just hide your gear under a big cloak if you needed to.

I would much rather have a loadout for non-field battles such as sieges and bandit hideouts, so I don't need to keep swapping out my lance/javelins for a crossbow or bow.
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned... I would love to see the ability to have two separate loadouts, one that is automatically used in sieges and one for run of the mill battles. I find myself switching my equipped items before and after every siege as I use mainly a longbow during sieges and melee weapons during battles.

just a thought! Thanks for the great game so far TaleWorlds!
It would be nice to see multiple equipment loadouts, implemented the same way as with battle and civilian gear. The main one's would be field battles and sieges, though I'm sure others could be useful too.
Because of the nature of sieges, I figured that it would be rather nifty if there was a third outfit in the inventory screen to outline a loadout for sieges. Where one outfit is for every-day combat and another for street violence, this third one would be for people who are too lazy to switch out their usual weapons for, like, a bow or something.

Think about it.
The next thing I'd like to see is sort of a companion to this idea, and this is the option to have different weapon/armor "loadouts." Basically the way I see this working is you could have 'x' amount of different loadout tabs on your character inventory screen that allow you to quickly swap between different armor/weapon sets for different situations. On horseback I might want to use a spear, lance, or other weapon with increased reach to be able to hit opponents from my heightened position, and since I am being carried by a large beast I can afford to weigh my own body down with heavier armor. Conversely, in a siege or foot-battle setting, I might favor lighter armor and shorter weapons for increased mobility. I'm no expert of medieval lore in any way, but it seems like this idea could be implemented in a lore-friendly way as well, as lords were likely to have squires that would do exactly that - carry their master's weapons to them as the situation evolved and called for different equipment.
Do you think they could add a weapon load out switcher in the equipment menu? Much how they have the town equipment versus for battle, could they add something so I can change weapon loadouts before battle or via the menu? I am kind of tired of going into my inventory and selecting different weapons. On a few occasions I have accidently sold some of my good alternate versions and I think this would help prevent that. Locking the item doesn't always work and sometimes finding it in the inventory can be hard as it gets fuller.
I'll bring this up internally. Thank you for the suggestion.
Everyone be like: Ohh yeahh :iamamoron:
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