TaleWorlds News: New News Necessary for the OT Neophytes

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Not really I don't care about the next sexual crime that some politician committed. Is that all News is today? Send him to court I'm tired of all this sensation. I dont know Roy Moore or what he does. Get it off my screens.

This one in particular is important because of the sheer number of apparently credible accusations against him. Usually it would be just "send him to court" but a ton of influential people are coming out to defend him, oftentimes seemingly without any regard as to whether or not he actually did it. The thing is that Roy Moore is in the running for an extremely important seat that the Republicans need to get control of to ensure voting power, and the reason this case in particular is so predominant is that a lot of them are almost explicitly saying "It literally doesn't matter if he's a rapist, we need his vote to pass our ****."
Also the election is in two weeks and that does affect everyone. We can't all be edgy nihilists.

BenKenobi said:
Now for the actually important and interesting stuff:

Czech republic women biathlon team wins a bronze medal in 4*6 km relay at ... Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics  :lol:

There is more shuffle in the medals going on as the IOC takes a hard stance in the Russian doping affair.

The whole "host the Olympics and also cheat rampantly at it" thing really worked out for them, didn't it?  :lol:
Not really I don't care about the next sexual crime that some politician committed. Is that all News is today? Send him to court I'm tired of all this sensation. I dont know Roy Moore or what he does. Get it off my screens.

It's not about Roy's alleged crimes, it's about Project Veritas' surreptitious behavior.  :roll:
Wigster600 said:
I'll say it seeing as nobody else has yet;

The main reason for the disgruntled attitude towards the situation is because she's half caste, whilst at the same time marrying into 'the' Royal family.

Is it? It might be something the papers want to make something out of because it can be seen as a theoretical point of controversy, but I doubt her ethnicity would raise as many eyebrows amongst the royals as her being an actress, American etc. But I really don't know. What I do know is that it never even occurred to me that she wasn't 'white' from the pictures I've seen of her until the last day or so when they've become a big news item again. It seems like grabbing at straws by the media to me, something insignificant that could be made into an issue to generate more website views and sell papers.
Remember what happened to the last royal that married a divorcee? He had to abdicate! This new lady is also a divorcee!!!1!1

Still, he can marry whoever he likes, any objections are deeply retarded. If anyone has anything against Harry marrying someone he loves then they are retarded. Etc etc.
A generation ago he would never have been able to marry her, he's fifth in line with the throne. A nearly black catholic girl that got divorced? Are yous focken joking mat?? Nobody cares now though, it's so unotwwotthy.
Rightly so. You Brits should not let the breach of your venerable tradition of inbreeding ruin the lives of your best men any more.
Myself, if I ever get it on with a hot mulatto girl I'd be actually nominated for a royal title in my hood.
Look, I'm a doctor with a 12th century degree in doctology and I am 100% certain that there is no way to be 100% certain any kids are Harry's unless she's 12 and unbedded. You're just asking for a succession crisis right now.
Grönsíir said:
Interesting thoughts. Could you link me to some sound debunkings of the high rape statistics in Sweden (or Norway or Germany) that aren't "They changed the definition of rape".
If you have time of course. And thanks for showing interest.
What exactly is this myth again? I thought it was a statistical fact that an immigrant is much more likely to rape than a native, at least I'm pretty sure the official police records (In Finland at least) would show this. Then again, didn't the Swedes stop recording the ethnic backgrounds of criminals a while back?
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