Whats diference between relation and influence in game?

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You may not like your boss but you still work for him as long as he doesn’t want something too much (much more than his influence) from you. Think like that.
mmm that could be better for being king.
In warband being king was annoying. Just mean u have to work to improve relation with lords (constantly  :sad:) thx to the mod diplomacy that u could gift ale or wine to improve relations. And now u perhaps will not care so much if u have bad relation with lords if they will still follow u if u call them by influence.
From what have been revealed (look at the policies), it looks like "influence" is kind of a mix between "renown" and "relationship" in Warband. "Influence" is not specifically linked with the relationship with someone, instead it seems to be influence with your faction. It will be gained and spent frequently from and for various things.
The issue I have with the new system is that everything seems to be based around it. With the new army management system, the only thing that is taken into account is the influence system, which is kinda silly to me. There should be no motive for a lord who hates you to join your army so that he can defend your castle. Especially from what we can see in the new gameplay, there were times where the enemy were only a few hours ride from intercepting the player from their siege. Of course since the player leads the assault time stops for everything outside. What happens when it dosen't? When the player is the one leading the intercepting army. I feel like in most scenarios you will be able to beat back any enemy so long as you have the influence.
Yes, and it would be more interesting if renown and relation could interfere with influence.

Less influence needed if good relations and high renown. High influence needed if bad relations and little renown.
Influence seems still usefull to gather large armies without being marshall (can we still be marshall in Bannerlord ?)
John the Roleplayer said:
LeChat said:
...can we still be marshall in Bannerlord ?

Since everyone with enough influence can form an army, that position won't exist anymore. It fits the early medieval setting, with court positions less formalised.

oh perhaps we discover something new and it will be no marshall! could be crazy if anyone can gether and army mmm not see it so bad, how many times marshall get all the army with 1000 troops just to raid a village? with this could be serparated armies with different quest  :grin:
More relation will likely mean less influence points needed to get them to do stuff. Your in game brother for example, would probably cost you 0 influence to form an army with him cause the relation would be high. It makes sense.

SturgiaStrong said:
LeChat said:
(can we still be marshall in Bannerlord ?)
I'm certain it's still in the game. It would probably cost the marshal 0 influence to gather armies but he would still get influence and renown for winning battles. That would make it a highly desirable position so it should probably cost you some influence to become the marshal. Hopefully it adds some desperately needed political mechanics into the game.
RoboSenshi said:
More relation will likely mean less influence points needed to get them to do stuff. Your in game brother for example, would probably cost you 0 influence to form an army with him cause the relation would be high. It makes sense.

SturgiaStrong said:
LeChat said:
(can we still be marshall in Bannerlord ?)
I'm certain it's still in the game. It would probably cost the marshal 0 influence to gather armies but he would still get influence and renown for winning battles. That would make it a highly desirable position so it should probably cost you some influence to become the marshal. Hopefully it adds some desperately needed political mechanics into the game.

KhergitLancer99 said:
I would assume higher the relation, lower the required influence to get the guy do something.
Yeah, but I would like it to be massive, like if one lord hates you, you must spend like x5 times the influence you meed for another one which may be your friend.
SturgiaStrong said:
Interesting question. Rephrase the question - what's the point of relation with lords if we have influence?
I'd say if someone were to defect from their kingdom they would go to someone they would feel safe with and have a good relationship with. Influence is not that important in that aspect.
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