What will you name your first character and what will drive him/her?

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We all know those text screens in Warband that ask a few questions that determine our starting stats (hopefully those have been improved)...

But I want to know what story you will create for the wo/man you guide in and out of battle?

Krafla Haengsson, daughter of a improvished noble which spent her childhood hunt through forests and which want revenge on killer of her grandfather
I do not know the names and their story but my first will be the same conquer everything I also want to make a merchant and a slave trader character :party:
My first character will start with nothing but desire, they will have rejected their preordained role in life. They were not mean to be the third daughter of some humble artisan, who would have been forced to pick up her parent's craft and slave away each day for meager earnings. No, my character wants money and power, and lots of it. Got to look after number one after all.

Lords own all the money and do none of the work, so maybe it's time to become one. Better to watch others writhe in the dirt than to toil yourself. Her delicate hands are needed to count coins, and to deal with all who get in her way. Permanently if need be. Lords are to blessed with *false* kindness if they're useful, or dealt with (killed, captured) if they're not. My character might even deign to marry one if it will further her needs (or more accurately: wants).

Lords are simply tools for their ascension. My character is aware of the harsh realities of life and will kill, lie, and cheat her way to the top. Much better to climb atop a pile of agony and death than to struggle at the bottom; people just happen to make the perfect steps. Maybe someday she will climb to the very top, after all that royal throne looks very comfortable.

Also I should really not have to say their name, its been in my signature for ages.
Arnulf Floyd said:
Krafla Haengsson, daughter of a improvished noble which spent her childhood hunt through forests and which want revenge on killer of her grandfather

But that's basically the starter 'lore' options in Warband...
Bert the Bold, possible Bert the Bronze, in honor of one of my favorite cousins :smile: A knight of rare skill and courage, he loves of the common people, and seeks justice for those unable to seek it themselves. His preferred brew styles are Marzen and Helles(Helles is his favorite kind of beer, and since Helles beer hasn’t been invented in his time he takes frequent trips into the future to keep his castle stocked with HB)... Bert the(Beer)Belly :smile:
DeusPuppy said:
Biggus Dickus ... Yeah quit funny but majestic... Lord Biggus Dickus or King Biggus Dickus, Ruler of Calradia :shifty: :shifty:

Will he have a wife called Incontinentia Buttocks?

Jokes aside I probably name my character Xyldas, a mercenary traveling Calradia for glory and wealth.
I want to be a imperial princess, for the name probably "Anna"
Starting character? I've got to many character concepts already to settle for just one...but all are with the Empire :smile: And doubtless I'll make more as I play the game more.

Please note that I don't know ancient Greek. All names are based on sounding nice to my hears and looking nice in my eyes. And note that fighting styles may be changed after I get some experience with the Bannerlord system and so can move from there. And yes, most will fight as medium cavalry because that's the playstyle that I have discovered is the best one for my preferences, but they are all subject to possible change in the future.

Alexis Demokrates: An urban creature who's going to make himself a very rich man by merchant enterprizes to fund a playboy lifestyle. Will fight as medium cavalry.

Alyxos Heraklidae: Kind of inspired by Herakles in his aspect as a brute, so focused on strength and stamina, and will if possible solve all problems he encounters with violence. Haven't decided if he'll be mounted or on foot, but will fight with a big freaking mace to smash people into the ground.

Antiochos Hippodeimon: Arrogant and rash, he's always ready to crush barbarians and peasants alike who don't know their place. Will fight as heavy cavalry.

Hipponia Areia: Amazon inspiration on the more modern view so probably very honorable and will aid fellow women when she can. She's going to fight as light cavalry with spear and javelin, practicing speed before massive armour.

Jason Thessilikos: An aristocratic elitist who is very friendly to fellow aristocrats and pretty chivalrous, but treats commoners as dirt and will build his wealth on horses (if possible). Will fight as medium cavalry.

Kastor Apollonida: Will have a Apollon theme and focus on mental attributes as well as singing and playing, if such are possible. In battle he'll be an archer, mounted or not, and if I can make a silver bow for him all the better. :smile:

Lykourgos Lacedaimon: Conservative as hell and won't accept income from anyting but looting and farmwork, and hold city dwellers, merchants and foreigners in the outmost contempt. Will fight as medium cavalry.

Aegeos Erechteid: A bit of a snake in that he's ll be wise and savy but treacherous and unempathic to others. And he will keep grudges very long and very seriously and take revenge for every slight if he can. Will probably fight as cavalry with a focus on striking hard and fast, but probably rather fragile if the enemy manages to strike back at him.

Areus Agiad: A bit of Ares inspiration for this guy who is mad with bloodlust and hates peace more than anything else. No income except that from looting and battles will be accepted, save holdings forced on him, and no prisoners taken. Will fight as medium cavalry and live to kill.

Ariston Eurypontos: Will strive for eventually marry into the Imperial and gentle ease it from power and give that power to himself and his kin. Will probably fight as medium cavalry.

Nabis Arkhos: A treacherous and devious man who aims to claim the title of Emperor for himself and will do whatever it takes for him to wear the purple. I expect this to be a very underhanded gameplay with a great rebellion in the end to take what's left of the Empire for himself. Will probably fight as medium cavalry.

Ogyges Pyrimidae: He just wishes to watch the world burn. Probably a cruel guy who toys with his prisoners and cares nothing for the life of his enemies or "allies".

Pyrrhos Epikiron: With this guy I shall attempt an Alexander-game. Namely to build and army and then attempt to conquer the entire map in a single go, if possible without a single holding to start with. From there all reinfocements must be gathered on the march and I may not spend any time to consolidate or, heaven forbid, retreat. Always forward and always to victory! I expect to ultimately fail in this but I also expect the road there to be a quite a ride. :smile: Will probably fight as medium cavalry.

Theodora Phobia: A meaner version of the Amazon who is bloodthirsty and will spread fear before her as she spears anyone who defies her. Will probably fight as medium cavalry.
I have many ideas for playthroughs after first

Adrian von Blackstein - ideal Vlandian knight, swordsman and lancer
Ruslam - A iliterate and vulgar Mameluke obsessed with looting
Claudia Condotierro - how family name refer to Italian mercenaries, she will change factions every month
Well as we haven't got a clue about what the background choices will look like, I'm not quite sure.
If it's the same as warband where we start as a traveller arriving in Calradia for the first time, I will be glad as although it is calradia, it will be very foreign to us.

I'll probably name my character Aleksander (my real name) or some variation of that name such as Lysander etc. and be an exiled minor nobleman or maybe I travelled to the empire to educate myself at one of their institutions, only for the civil war to break out, forcing me to pick sides.

I would like to spend my time travelling around calradia first, perhaps looking for work or creating my own caravan business. eventually I will choose a faction to fight for.
Since I've had time to think and saw this post pop up again I shall post some of my character ideas.

Daren the Red - called that for the colour of his hair and his temper, born from an affair between two nobles, he seeks to join the nobility of his mother's faction and to get back at his father for not acknowledging him as his son. Too bad he can't get his mother to tell him who his father is. The only thing he knows about his father is that he from the Empire, so he'll do the only thing he can do: kill them all.

Valis - the son of a merchant who wants to take up his father's craft so he can one day make enough money to buy enough productive enterprises to retire happily and maybe one day pass on the family business to a child of his own.

Nika - originally the idealistic daughter of a hunter turned bandit after her family was killed and her life was destroyed. She has already gone too far and broken too many laws to turn back now. If she is to be a bandit, then she shall be the greatest bandit queen in history.

I've got some more but that'll be it from me for now.
I haven't decided the name yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll mess around being a criminal merchant, undermining the competition and raiding some caravans.
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