What file decides which random areas bandit lairs spawn?

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Hi all,

I have a custom map for my mod and i have placed the bandit spawn locations around the map. The bandits spawn there as they should, but I cannot seem to work out how to define the specific random areas in which the Bandit Lairs spawn. They seem to spawn randomly right next to towns and villages. Is there some way to tell the game to have them spawn within a specific area?

Also, after I added a lot of new banners to the game, bandit lairs now are using the wrong icon (flag banners?). I've checked the BRF as well as module_party_templates, module_map_icons, and module_parties. All seem to be in order, so what's going on here?

Here's a pic.


Thanks in advance.

Put the bandit banner icon before any of your defined banners for the compiler to get the correct id for associating map icons with party templates. The lairs always spawn around 10 map units of their slot_party_template_lair_spawnpoint, which should be the same as the bandit's spawnpoint.
Thanks for the reply, Somebody. Is there any way to limit the spawn points of bandit lairs?
Do they only spawn on 'plain'-terrain tiles, or do they spawn on other terrain types too? I ask, because the Pirate Lair above seems to only spawn on land, never on the water (which is simply a re-skin of Desert terrain texture.

Which file decides that they spawn within 10 tiles? Can I edit that number?

Finally, I understand what you're saying about putting the bandit lair icon above the flags, but the icon should simply be the Native bandit lair 'cave' icon. Do I need to move that in the file?

Thanks again.
Unsurprisingly, most of the bandit stuff is in script_spawn_bandits. There are additional constraints to spawning the bandit lairs, but it should work for the desert/ocean terrain. The map icon is ("bandit_lair",mcn_no_shadow,"map_bandit_lair", 0.45, 0), which in Native is the last map icon after all the banners. If you've added new ones it bumps that cave icon up to a range where the compiler no longer maps it correctly to a party template.
Cheers, Somebody.

You know, without you I would never even have known how to give troops new helmets. How far I have come, and how much I have yet to learn - thanks to Sensei Somebody.
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