What are the best troops to defend a town?

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I am the lord of Wien for the HRE. What are the best trrop for the garrison ? Historically speaking I would say the traditional infantry trrops:  British archers (Welsh and English), Italian Crossbowen (from Genoa and Venice) Italian pikemen , and Scottish or Norse heavy infantry.
The dismounted cavalry (kinghts, men at arms, mounted archers ) are good as Infantry at defending the walls ?
first of all you need to know what type of siege equipment is used to assault your walls. If there's ladders I'd say have an archer heavy garrison with some heavy inf in the mix. If a siege tower is attacking though then you may require more heavy infantry while having some archers handy. My personal favorite tactic against siege tower assaults is to jump down the wall (regardless of enemy ranged fire) and kill the enemies "pushing" the tower :twisted: once the tower does reach the wall I quickly run up the tower and into friendly ranks and I await the onslaught  :mrgreen:
Don't put knights or any other mounted troops for the garrison.
It's because they are expensive because of their horses - which they do not use when sieging or defending a castle.
So, practically, they will eat more of your food, and will take more money from you because of their horses... which, again, they can't use inside the castle.
So, in short - shielded infantry and ranged units (particulary crossbowmen) are the best units for a castle garrison.
But they could eat their horses, couldn't they?  :razz:

Honestly: My experience is that a lot of archers in garrison make quite a difference. I love Welsh Longbowmen and Pavise crossbowmen.
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