WB Uses Steam - I'm very upset with you Taleworlds

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Negator_UK said:
No it isn't, you're just being stubborn. Buy it online somewhere else instead then, like through gamersgate.

I'm not stubborn - a couple of years ago I bought one of the warhammer games (not 40K, the fantasy one) that installed Steam onto my PC as its patch-management system. I quickly stopped playing the game as it wasn't much good, but I could not remove steam, however hard I tried as it installs itself to run automatically at startup adding quite a delay to boot times, and I could not switch it off.

Eventually a problem with another game (not steam related) forced me to re-install windows on my PC so the steam went then too - I don't want it back - it really is like having a virus.

Never happened to me though.

Once I deleted my steam folder by mistake, suddenly I had 60 gigs of free space. :lol:
We were just commenting on how that's like the second biggest -damn it. 

Bugger off.  Just bugger off. 
Negator_UK said:
No it isn't, you're just being stubborn. Buy it online somewhere else instead then, like through gamersgate.

I'm not stubborn - a couple of years ago I bought one of the warhammer games (not 40K, the fantasy one) that installed Steam onto my PC as its patch-management system. I quickly stopped playing the game as it wasn't much good, but I could not remove steam, however hard I tried as it installs itself to run automatically at startup adding quite a delay to boot times, and I could not switch it off.

Eventually a problem with another game (not steam related) forced me to re-install windows on my PC so the steam went then too - I don't want it back - it really is like having a virus.
User error, all you have to do is go into the control panel>ProgramsAndFeatures and uninstall Steam, also Steam doesn't/barely even uses 10MB of RAM, there's no way for it to slow down your computer during boot times, unless you're either using 256MB of RAM or have a hundred other programs that launch when you boot.

Please take your bull**** story somewhere else.

COGlory said:
No it's not.
Cznielsen said:
I kinda like steam.
No need to worry about CD keys

You get noticed when new games gets released

Never ever any CD/DVD's again! (yay)

Easy to use.

Auto update.

Uninstalling? Delete the steam folder and feel smart.

It's fine IMO.
Keep Steam bull**** in the Steam thread.
Stop acting like a child.
Steam is taking up almost 59MB of RAM atm on my PC. It is about 30MB at startup. If I were to delete the Steam folder, I would get back about 356GB of HDD space.

Still, to avoid 'losing' 60MB of RAM, I can just not start Steam (You can set it to start up whenever you boot up the PC or have it start manually when you tell it to. You can also just exit it, whichever start-up mode you choose). My only real beef with Steam is that games that no longer use DRM, still need Steam to start but that's a small issue in my book unless I'm stuck somewhere without a 'net connection.

As far as Warband is concerned, I bought it via Steam but I use the TW 'version' to play. It does mean that I have to do my own patches/etc (which I do simply by starting Steam, auto-update, then copy over the files over to my TW installation)
GenericSoldierX said:
Negator_UK said:
No it isn't, you're just being stubborn. Buy it online somewhere else instead then, like through gamersgate.

I'm not stubborn - a couple of years ago I bought one of the warhammer games (not 40K, the fantasy one) that installed Steam onto my PC as its patch-management system. I quickly stopped playing the game as it wasn't much good, but I could not remove steam, however hard I tried as it installs itself to run automatically at startup adding quite a delay to boot times, and I could not switch it off.

Eventually a problem with another game (not steam related) forced me to re-install windows on my PC so the steam went then too - I don't want it back - it really is like having a virus.
User error, all you have to do is go into the control panel>ProgramsAndFeatures and uninstall Steam, also Steam doesn't/barely even uses 10MB of RAM, there's no way for it to slow down your computer during boot times, unless you're either using 256MB of RAM or have a hundred other programs that launch when you boot.

Please take your bull**** story somewhere else.

COGlory said:
No it's not.
Cznielsen said:
I kinda like steam.
No need to worry about CD keys

You get noticed when new games gets released

Never ever any CD/DVD's again! (yay)

Easy to use.

Auto update.

Uninstalling? Delete the steam folder and feel smart.

It's fine IMO.
Keep Steam bull**** in the Steam thread.
Stop acting like a child.
This is about him trying to activate his game without using Steam.

Now about how good or bad Steam is.

There is a thread labeled "Steam" somewhere, for discussion about it.  http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,110918.0.html
Go nuts. 
I have another PC I use as a shag-machine which had an old copy of steam still installed, so I used that steam account to get the 4x4 code as Iberon recommended. It worked as he said and I have now activated the game on my good pc with this code.

To the guys who helped supported somehow,anyhow- Thanks for the advice/support

To the idiots who get sarcy or offended when the corrupt software/business model of steam get dissed in public - get a life.

To all - umm, my pc just got warband installed on it, so I'll be busy gaming or debugging for the next few hours/days/weeks. Ciao  :grin:

Negator_UK said:
I could not remove steam, however hard I tried as it installs itself to run automatically at startup adding quite a delay to boot times, and I could not switch it off.

Never had this problem, I simply unchecked the option for Steam to start automatically when Windows does - had it this way for years.
Negator_UK said:
To the idiots who get scary or offended when the corrupt software/business model of steam get dissed in public - get a life.

It's not corrupt, it's a simple program used to launch and sell games.

Grow up, don't tell people to get a life just because they're defending something they use, it just makes you look like an immature little kid.
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