Antonis said:Dude, seriously, you need to let some steam off. Like, a lot. I didn't think I said anywhere "STDs are tranmitted only by homosexual intercourse".
I'm not angry; I'm just more prone to snark than Gamanek. And you didn't. That was in reference to the earlier comments. Though I do question your reasoning for why STDs are a good idea to include in this mod, when they don't actually relate to the content of the mod. Do you not see how that impacts our message?
It's not like we're adding sex to the game; we're adding gay/bi people. And if you think adding gay people implies that sex is happening, why aren't you petitioning TaleWorlds to include STDs with all the straight people they've got in their game?
And Taleworlds, IS a public forum. Anyone can be a member, even if he/she doesn't play the game, that's not a requirement. And while the Administrators(the staff members of Taleworlds) can censor and make the Moderators censor, and since we are talking about witty and classy acts, making a forum to basically promote your game, since you are a company and encouraging Freedom of Speech, yeah...censorship is a REALLY classy and witty way to achieve you goals and promote your game.
"Censorship". You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
I can't censor speech, because I don't have that power. The mods have power to censor their own forums. Which, yes, are public in the sense that anyone can join, but not public in the sense that anyone can also be removed. It's public like a pub, not like a park. It is still privately owned and maintained, and therefor not subject to free speech laws.
However, it has rules that the administrators decided on. I feel those comments were in violation of those rules, so I reported them. If you feel that is not classy, that's not my problem.
To sum up, if you are feeling offended by sexual and/or gay jokes(which, in this case aren't remotely offensive, no matter how you see it, because what a surprise, sexual intercourse is the way to acquire a Sexual Transmitted disease), I am offended by you trying to censor people you don't agree with. That simple.
You're right, those comments were totally unrelated. I'm sure those guys are really just into the idea of STDs in their games, and suggest it in every mod thread ever. They also regularly suggest implementing wound infection and dysentery.
I'm not offended, I just see the insult. I don't put up with snide comments against myself and my people, certainly not to avoid offending the sensibilities of straight people.
Put it in perspective: let's say we were making a mod about a setting based on medieval sub-Saharan Africa, and those clowns came in to make jokes about adding a watermelon morale item, or roving bands of violent police, or some other anachronistic feature playing on modern offensive stereotypes and sensitive issues in the American black community. Sure, it's a stupid joke and I can just ignore it for the sake of keeping the peace. But should I have to?
Now, I understand this is quite spammy as a post and I sincerely apologize, mainly because Gamanek was polite and cool( ), but if you want to promote something, anything, the attitude of "Agree or shut up" doesn't really help your cause. It makes you seem like a douceweasel,
Cute ad hominem. But it's not really a place for disagreement; we're making a mod, we're making it to address a feature that we feel is missing from the game, and as far as I'm concerned anyone telling us how to make it is out of line. Suggestions are fine, assertions are not. Does that make more sense?
This post was made to announce the mod and seek technical advice for other modders. We never asked "is this something we should be making", and we never will. The mod has already gotten a lot of attention on the Steam workshop, it's clearly a feature that other people want, so I'm not convinced that we actually need to be over accommodating to anyone who wants to come in and tell us what to make.
And to that end, I'm done discussing this topic. It's an unpleasant tangent, and as I said the matter has been reported and is now irrelevant.