SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

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Yes simply me was not time to search for him and dress on hero, а ты знаешь русский?
Не мог бы ты мне помочь найти человека знающего модульную систему, а то мы много чего наделали, а реализовать мало чего можем.
And address to all who wants to help in advancement mode, NEEDS the PERSON KNOWING MODULE SYSTEM, wait all interested persons to help.
New news, in a fashion will be already precisely made full replacement of architecture of all cities, villages and fortresses, the obsidional weapon will be exact, to all lords and governors the unique reservation will be appropriated, will the camel cavalry is entered, we shall change clothes of all population on that of manners, new stages of fights with oases, palm trees and ruins are already created, will is absolute new gangsters with a new ruler and complexity, there will be unique horses (not analogue, successful experiment).
Art911 said:
New news, in a fashion will be already precisely made full replacement of architecture of all cities, villages and fortresses, the obsidional weapon will be exact, to all lords and governors the unique reservation will be appropriated, will the camel cavalry is entered, we shall change clothes of all population on that of manners, new stages of fights with oases, palm trees and ruins are already created, will is absolute new gangsters with a new ruler and complexity, there will be unique horses (not analogue, successful experiment).

If I understood you correctly, there will be new city, village, and castle scenes, weapons will remain faithful to the timeline, there will be new lords (and governors?), there will be camel cavalry (now that would be awesome), all of the population will have new, appropriate clothing, and there will be new desert battle scenes, along with changed bandit parties, and new horses.

One big awesome, my good sir! Although you seem to have a bit of a language problem, this mod simply looks outstanding!
yes you it is correct have understood, all this or is already made, or already in development and do not turn on my orthography since I english studied itself.
Art911 said:
New news, in a fashion will be already precisely made full replacement of architecture of all cities, villages and fortresses, the obsidional weapon will be exact, to all lords and governors the unique reservation will be appropriated, will the camel cavalry is entered, we shall change clothes of all population on that of manners, new stages of fights with oases, palm trees and ruins are already created, will is absolute new gangsters with a new ruler and complexity, there will be unique horses (not analogue, successful experiment).

...What a ****ed up paragraph but good work!Also Art,are you SURE you studied English?
If I understood correctly (and that is difficult, but don't worry, it's not a problem) this mod is going to be the new meaning of the word "awesome".
galiccia said:
If I understood correctly (and that is difficult, but don't worry, it's not a problem) this mod is going to be the new meaning of the word "awesome".

What is so awesome about it? Until I see some innovative features,I'll keep my compliments locked up.
wow love the giant arrowhead in one of those new screens you posted. looks good..it will probably lag alot on my computer (everything does) since it is 8 years old and my dad is too cheap to buy a new one..... :mad:
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