Warband Competitive Matchmaking Client / BETA / [Update: 1.1.0]

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Imo there should be fixed amout of points you get for winning, and lose for losing. And then round difference might be taken into acconut if game was a stomp or not, deciding how many points will be given away.

Each player from team that got someone abandoning should get one less mmr lost. At least xD
NeToMaN said:
Imo there should be fixed amout of points you get for winning, and lose for losing. And then round difference might be taken into acconut if game was a stomp or not, deciding how many points will be given away.

This would be nice, I lost points despite winning a game earlier.
Shemaforash said:
how many rounds you won or how many rounds u lost is irrelevant when u win the match, just like in any big tournament or any other ranked games

Other games are constantly changing and trying to improve their ranking systems because they are far from perfect. I'd say it wouldn't hurt using other systems as a base, but we shouldn't just copy them either because they are still imperfect and Warband works quite differently from other games. Considering that our community literally made the matchmaking system, we have all the power to decide how it's going to work, so the question is, how does the community want it to work? How do you think it should work?

I think that in the current calculations, the amount of points you gain/lose is highly dependent on your own mmr (besides rounds obviously), which I think is very odd and pretty poopy. If you are going to add/subtract points based off of mmr, it should be based off of your team's average vs the opposing team's average at the very least.

Given our relatively small competitive matchmaking player base and the way our matches are played, we could make due with a rather simple formula based around round differences rather than MMR differences.

Something like:

(Your Round Wins x (Static Match Points/Total Rounds) - (Opposing Round Wins x (Static Match Points/Total Rounds) = MMR Change

So let's say we set the Static Match Points for every match to 30, and you win a match 6-0. The math looks like this:
(6 x (30/6) - (0 x (30/6) = 30

If you win a match 6-2:
(6 x (30/:cool: - (2 x (30/:cool: = 16

If you lose a match 3-6:
(3 x (30/9) - (6 x (30/9) = -10

The nice thing about a static system like this is that you can make charts like this:

Possible ScoresMMR Gain/Loss

If you aren't getting these exact mmr changes, then you know Grimsight programmed something in there to **** you over personally  :fruity:

I've also heard the sentiment from many that individual performance should play a part in how much mmr you gain/lose, but the degree varies from person to person. IMO, it should play a part, but a rather small one. I think playing as a team to win rounds and lose few should be the main focus to decide mmr changes. To that I would suggest something like:

(Your Round Wins x (Static Match Points/Total Rounds) - (Opposing Round Wins x (Static Match Points/Total Rounds) + ((K/D - 1) x 2)) = MMR Change

It's a very simple and small change for now. Basically what it would mean is that if you can manage to get at least a 1.5 K/D your mmr will get padded with an extra point, and if you manage to get like a 4 K/D, you can get an extra 6 points to pad your mmr gains/loss. Nothing too huge, but still nice.

Of course, we all know that K/D is a very rough way to determine an individual player's affect on a match, but it's the only way we currently have of determining someone's contribution statistically since we can't currently calculate things like pure damage or assists. When the means to calculate such things are available, the formula can be adjusted accordingly, for now, this is the simplest reasonable calculation I can come up with.
I think you should get a fix amount for winning a match, even if its close. Like getting 10MMR + X (depending on round difference, max 20) because a hard fought victory should be rewarded... its kind of odd to get 1 point for still winning a match x)
With the first formula I proposed, ties would always be 0 gain/loss for everyone. With the second formula, in case of a tie, your mmr gain/loss would be entirely dependent on your K/D for that match, and would be only small values, for the most part, if you did manage to get a really high K/D in a tied match, you probably deserve the points.
Making your own rating system is a pretty pointless exercise. There are plenty of good rating systems out there with strong mathematical proof AND wide real-world usage.

Glicko2 is very good and has been adapted for team games, including CSGO's matchmaking. It has PHP implementations available that grimsight could pretty easily replace the Elo library with.

Microsoft's Trueskill has been successfully used for a lot of games, SF4 that I know of but team games too I think. It's also got PHP implementations available.

The current elo system isn't nearly as bad as made out anyway, should be given more of a chance, especially since rating isn't being taken into account in the queue right now.
Ideas for increasing toxicity and BM:

Allow instant messaging on the client, but you can only communicate with people of lower MMR. Thus, you can insult them at will and they can't respond. As a bonus if you overtake someone in MMR the tables are turned and you can insult them at leisure!

When you lose to a team the avatars of all the players are plastered over your home page. This encourages players to pick as obnoxious images as they can.

If you get teamkilled you lose 1 MMR. Accidental tks thereby invoke rage, and revenge teamkilling is incentivised.

Keep the ideas flowing!
I'm open to changing the ELO system, I hope you all give the current system a chance though. We're only 3 days in.

1.0.3 has been released.
Your client should automatically update upon attempting to log in.

Patch Notes

- Desert Town has been added to the map pool.

- The queueing algorithm has been fixed, you will now join the highest populated room available.

- Your kills, deaths, and teamkills are now displayed on the stats panel.
- A very basic leaderboard has been added, displaying the top 25 players by MMR.
- Debug messages will now displayed in a text box separate from the chat box
- Replaced placeholder splash images on the home screen with new images by Belendor
- In the stats panel, Battle Rating and Duel Rating changed to Battle MMR and Duel MMR to avoid confusion

BUG FIXING (all need testing)
- Fixed a possible exception concerning a 'Background worker'
- Fixed an issue where some users trying to log in would incorrectly get a message "Warband matchmaking is under maintenance" (needs confirmation from those experiencing the bug)
- Fixed a possible freeze when clicking the ready button
- Fixed a possible mishap where a match overwrites another

- Lew has donated a server located in Germany for WBMM to make use of. Thank you!

Through my testing of done before vs after the patch, I think I've ironed out some of the more frequent crashing. Can't be too certain until everyone actually plays it though. Hopefully I don't wake up to broken client. Have fun!  :lol:
Grim, thanks for the patch! I didn't see it on the changelog, so I am asking; did "Someone wasn't synced." bug get fixed too?
Would be nice if it could track what classes a player normally plays and use this info to make a balanced team of players. Keep coming up against teams with 3/4 archers and its just ****. either that or limit certain classes for different maps.
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