This is ridiculous !

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King Richard

Sergeant Knight
I was taking back Dhirim from the sarranid sultanate , at the end of the siege , after I captured Dhirim, all the kingdoms declared war against Swadia (the khergits don't have a lot to fight with, so they didn't declare war), why did all of them snap instantly ? Even my allies (Rhodoks), which I had a 50 kingdom relation and we share some sarranid territory.

It's as it says:  To curb the power of the Kingdom of Swadia  You were probably gaining too much territory too fast, and the AI will have multiple kingdoms declare war on you for it.
Ghost of Razgriz said:
It's as it says:  To curb the power of the Kingdom of Swadia  You were probably gaining too much territory too fast, and the AI will have multiple kingdoms declare war on you for it.
Too much territory ? Curaw , Unuzdaq and Caraf , is what is new to the kingdom , that is not much
Did you get those during the current process of war or was it from previous wars?  If it was current, getting two castles (I think Caraf is a castle) and two towns means that the AI will determine the kingdom's power and influence is growing too fast.  I've had it happen as a ruler of my own kingdom after conquering a lot of territory too quickly.  And in my case, I was doing it to harass Swadia and force them off my back by making them re-conquer their territory while I and my Marshall would focus on other much needed tasks (I think I was warring with the Nords at the time).  After doing that, both the Khergit Khanate and Kingdom of Rhodoks (who I had a 100 relation at the time, but no non-aggression treaty) declared war on me.
Ghost of Razgriz said:
Did you get those during the current process of war or was it from previous wars?  If it was current, getting two castles (I think Caraf is a castle) and two towns means that the AI will determine the kingdom's power and influence is growing too fast.  I've had it happen as a ruler of my own kingdom after conquering a lot of territory too quickly.  And in my case, I was doing it to harass Swadia and force them off my back by making them re-conquer their territory while I and my Marshall would focus on other much needed tasks (I think I was warring with the Nords at the time).  After doing that, both the Khergit Khanate and Kingdom of Rhodoks (who I had a 100 relation at the time, but no non-aggression treaty) declared war on me.
Curaw was from a past war , but they declared war 2 days later , lol
Caraf Castle and Unuzdaq Castle are from this current endless war with everybody in Calradia , like , it gets more ridiculous !

Everybody is in truce with each other , but not with Swadia , I'm getting attacked by 4 sides , it's not even fair anymore , should I take this opportunity to ditch Swadia and conquer them too ?
I just abandoned my attempt at a speed run because of similar.

I broke from Swadia after taking Beluga (I know that isn't the name but it's what I call it) castle, Curaw, Reyvadin, Ismerela, Khudan, and one other castle whos name I can never remember.. Kwynn? Something like that. Asked for each one, denied each one, rebelled quickly lost Curaw (the last one I had asked for and took with me when I rebelled) so I retook Beluga and prepared to hold those two while I tried to fight back or get a peace offering.

By the end of the week I had lost Beluga, was at war with the Vaegirs, Sawadia, Rhodoks, Khergits, Sarranid, and Nords... So everyone, and had a host army from all of them at the gates of Rivecheg... Less than 100 troops including my party to defend so said screw it this run is over.
The only real problem is the Nords right now xD , khergits are gone , sarranids only have Ahmerrad , Vaegirs only have Khudan and a castle between the steppes and the tundra , rhodoks lost Veluca and they asked for peace, wait , asked ? no , they beg in tears to not get destroyed by the knightly horde xD

Nords have a lot , LOT of lands and the AI doesn't care about it ._.
I've since lost the screenshot, but once when I was playing as the Rhodoks, every other kingdom declared war against us at the same time.  You seem to have a lot of territory and a fair amount of lords, so you should be able to withstand the onslaught!
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