This game sucks

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I'd put nothing past you Alyss. But I have no evidence of that at all.

All I have is you tripping over your own comments. Afterall - you were making a point about bannerlord mods.

What was that point then?
It's crazy how you twist things just to get attention. My point was that you were using numbers without any context, and that out of those who played BL, some of them considered the base game to be bad, hence my link to mods. Would be interesting to do a survey to see how many people would enjoy playing Bannerlord without mods. In the meantime, I would suggest you use actual arguments rather than just being a blind fanboy without nuance.
It's crazy how you twist things just to get attention. My point was that you were using numbers without any context, and that out of those who played BL, some of them considered the base game to be bad, hence my link to mods. Would be interesting to do a survey to see how many people would enjoy playing Bannerlord without mods. In the meantime, I would suggest you use actual arguments rather than just being a blind fanboy without nuance.
I literally just posted a bunch of figures without comment.

I didn't even say they were good or bad. :ROFLMAO:

You just want to fight. I can't post anything on this forum without your little anime face inevitably popping up next to a bunch of caps-lock text.
It's one of the biggest frustrations that a community has ever experienced. This game had a potential, but it sucks. Devs are incompetent, the job is unfinished, the boss doesn't give a damn, and seems like no one knows what to do. Here's the fundamentals of Turkish business mentality. As a Turkish man myself I shouldn't have been surprised at all.
yep, waiting to see if that was due to technical difficulties during the EA or if it's actually because they don't give a f - could be any. Answers will come in time - I'd guess 2 years from now we'll be able to really know which by what TW does during their "continuous updating".
i'm sure this post will help them see the error of their ways
Nothing does, really..
It is, and its potential can be deepened by modding. This game being fully released doesn't mean its potential peaks here. I will also emphasize that modding is a major feature that Taleworlds focused on. This is what their "design decision" was. They decided to focus on making a stable base with as many barebone features as they could fit.

Of course, it'd be mighty nice if the game could be perfect in every way even without modding, but this is what we get, and it's not all that bad, because again, they decided to support modding.
it can, but it doesn't nullify the fact that TW pushing such a bad game experience overall makes them a bad developer at present - objective fact's that currently they are being a really bad developer and extremely disregarding towards their fan-base, in a way looks like any other generic super greedy dev - as I said, time will tell which - could be that they simply couldn't properly apply logistics to pursue technical fixes & also finish pushing content they intend to push - as such in a couple years we'll know for sure - can be either, them being crap greedy devs as a company, or them having a not so competent management causing further delays...
I literally just posted a bunch of figures without comment.

I didn't even say they were good or bad. :ROFLMAO:

You just want to fight. I can't post anything on this forum without your little anime face inevitably popping up next to a bunch of caps-lock text.
You know there is the ignore feature right?
True but economics has been based on the subjective theory of value since the late 19th century, which has likely driven TW's decision making.

Well, whatever is driving TW's decisions, I'm just saying that just because reviews (people) say/believe something, doesn't make it fact simply because they said it.
Well, whatever is driving TW's decisions, I'm just saying that just because reviews (people) say/believe something, doesn't make it fact simply because they said it.
Or you could've simply answered: "politics" and remain silent for the mystery factor - you'd be right, argument can't be objectively countered, you'd be speaking the truth without explaining anything at the same time, and you'd gain 50 pts towards your charm skill and receive the in broom perk for free automatically! Real big brain answer!!!
Agree 100% man. After the first few months of the EA, TW revealed their nature to the community and most of us figured out that the game was essentially done, with little to no improvements to be implemented.

Even when they tried to improved something, like perks, it was just as bad and boring as the first iteration.

Its actually kinda of tragic how bad this game is, given the decades of feedback on how to make a good successor.

It sucks.
Gaming is a hype-based industry.

Yes, and i think everyone else is kind of missing the point here. Bannerlord didn't sell well because it had a good list of game mechanics that people rationally combed through before buying, or because of some specific feature that it had on release. It sold well because it was advertised as the sequel to warband with better graphics. That's basically it. It cashed in the goodwill of the previous game and the buildup from a decade of hype.

Game sales are all tied up in nostalgia and PR and all sorts of
Other stuff not related to the game mechanics at all. It's basically a form of mass hypnotism. Release date Impulse-buys and mass preorders are libidinal subconscious decisions, not rational conscious ones. 99% of new buyers probably saw the screenshots with big battles and better graphics and went "WOW I've got to have that!!!" and clicked preorder.

I didn't buy bannerlord, but my sister did. The sole reason for her getting it was because northernlion played it once and she wanted to play it too. She probably hasnt thought about the game once since like june 2020. Only lunatics like us are still analysing the game after all these years.
I don't know why there are so many people defending the game. Bannerlord is Warband with better graphics and slightly improved gameplay. I don't understand why Taleworlds celebrates itself so much. The only reason many people, including myself, haven't turned their backs on Taleworlds is the mod community.
I don't know why there are so many people defending the game. Bannerlord is Warband with better graphics and slightly improved gameplay. I don't understand why Taleworlds celebrates itself so much. The only reason many people, including myself, haven't turned their backs on Taleworlds is the mod community.
If this game was Warband with better graphics and slightly improved gameplay it would be game of the year. Nobody would be complaining about it.
Lol. Before the release of EA, I was rationally thinking "Hey, this is EA. Before you buy it, you have to see gameplay and watch for a while what TW is going to do" but at the day of release, I opened a streamer and heard new version of WB music in BL and I instantly clicked buy button on Steam.
I only did it because I was in Italy on lockdown and figured I'd give TW a chance... I do not regret giving them a chance, but that was it, no more rounds for them...
If this game was Warband with better graphics and slightly improved gameplay it would be game of the year. Nobody would be complaining about it.
pretty much - which incurs on bringing the entire holster of features accumulated through DLC, of course. They've first promised what most WB old timers kept asking for years, like building castles (probably details like building X building would add X building in 3d within the scene), formations mod, the entirety of the micro-features added by countless OST mods, sea battles (which's something ppl asked for base WB for years, much much longer than VC, longer before it was even a concept), and the list goes on and on and on...
They've basically cut the entirety of the mod improvement features first teased, than started cutting stuff that was in base WB...
Sure BL has some new additions, but nothing works for the player, instead they've started using most of those as anti-player mechanics / forced grind to balance some sort of sugar coating in hopes of taking the attention away from the lack of depth and the missing features that were promised at first (I can't even remember all, but the game was "supposed" to be the "ultimate warband experience" - not what we got).

Now it's simple: either they'll pull something TW has never done in it's history, which's actually adding significant new features (like big DLC like patches) while flushing a few DLC to give richer gameplay with stories and other shenanigans. Or it'll be a 2.0 from how they handled WB, cashing in on mods and sporadically hiring mod creators to make DLC for them... If the latter I'd say it'd be disheartening to say the least, but would also enforce my stance over my trust towards them, which translates into full boycott unless I've played the game and genuinelly liked it.

As is I'm looking forward to fixing modding the game myself DIY style, IF they do not take ages to actually provide full support for their modding tools. As is it's currently impossible to mod the main_map because the tools won't allow you to save the file - as such I can only wait... If it takes too long I might be gone and done with "waiting" so I can't promise anything, not even to myself... I'm slowly losing interest in the game, once it's gone I'll likely not come back until they've fixed everything (that's like 2 years minimum, and likely not happening at all)

Bannerlord has a far superior engine, graphics, 3D assets, animations, rigging, atmosphere, scenes, particle effects and battle sizes. Game play loops haven't made the same strides forward despite our expectations, suggesting that TW decided not to deepen the game to keep it accessible for casual/console gamers. For hardcore pc gamers that's extremely disappointing. However, we represent a small slice of TW's commercial market. They presume our nerd requirements will be satisfied by making BL moddable.

The above comments relate to single player. I find it hard to understand the on-going server performance problems with multi-player.
can't say I look at it on a positive lens - reality's that what they've accomplished is a shell, meaningless - games aren't meant to be looked at and admired, they are meant to be played - if I wanted great graphics I'd be outside looking at scenery, best part of that: it's free.
If was looking for flashy graphics on a fiction, I'd instead watch films and series, not be mindlessly spamming mouse buttons for no reason (which's the sum of the entire BL experience)...
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Bannerlord has a far superior engine, graphics, 3D assets, animations, rigging, atmosphere, scenes, particle effects and battle sizes. Game play loops haven't made the same strides forward despite our expectations, suggesting that TW decided not to deepen the game to keep it accessible for casual/console gamers. For hardcore pc gamers that's extremely disappointing. However, we represent a small slice of TW's commercial market. They presume our nerd requirements will be satisfied by making BL moddable.

The above comments relate to single player. I find it hard to understand the on-going server performance problems with multi-player.

Yes - I think that this is why PC gamers hate "consolization" so much.

There are a few other issues - the poor performance of spears as well is another issue.

The good thing is that the game does have the ability to be modded.
Yes, and i think everyone else is kind of missing the point here. Bannerlord didn't sell well because it had a good list of game mechanics that people rationally combed through before buying, or because of some specific feature that it had on release. It sold well because it was advertised as the sequel to warband with better graphics. That's basically it. It cashed in the goodwill of the previous game and the buildup from a decade of hype.

That could lead to backlash down the line. A good example of a game that sold previously due to hype was Cyberpunk 2077. Another might have been Mass Effect Andromeda.

The issue is if the game can address its issues and improve with time - an example being No Man's Sky.
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