The Smokeshack

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Yeah, but what if he falls off the floor? That could be much more dangerous than just falling off a chair. Play it safe, ride it out.
I once smoked on the roof of a 16 story building with a friend. Not on the terrace, but the actual roof, where they put the satellite dish thingies. It was sunset, and fantastic. My friend was tripping on LSD. I had a great view of that part of town. Best weed time I ever had.
Arriguy said:
It's an hour till noon here. Smoke or no smoke?
You already know the answer.

roof smoke: my cabin has a deck on the roof, it's a great place to watch the stars. I think northern lights are the most incredible thing when stoned... Some day I'll have to get proper north and see them at their best. In my city we can see them sometimes, but at best it is a faint green glimmer in the sky. At the lake you can see vibrant greens and even red hues... Gosh it is beautiful.

Anyways, if anyone wants some music: White people look so awkward when they play saxophone (sorry dryvus)

EDIT: Although iirc Dryvus plays tenor, correct? Not quite as odd looking as alto, at least.
Eктωρ said:
Getting high with people that are tripping is a really cool experience.
He showed up tripping and laughing maniacally on my doorstep. I immediately said "I hope you brought weed, cause I'm not babysitting you sober".
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