The Original L'Aigle Thread, for the sake of history. Be ye warned.

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someonelse, have some respect will ya? What is the point you are trying to make? We can't help you if you don't clarify your intentions.
Firstly, Hell's Bells. 't is a mighty drunk peasant upon thine yonder previous pages. One wonders what they believe they are achieving by having such poor display of behavior and intelligence quotient.

Secondly, voice-acting! Actually, this might be a quite great base for a competition involving community contributions. I would leap at the opportunity to voice-act Hungarian commands, but The Austrians had all of their regiment trained with German trigger-words.
How many characters need voice-acting, even? I'd imagine the nations will all have their own generic set of commands. And then there are units like the Highlanders, the Royal Africans or Carpathian Pandours who would no doubt speak a dozen languages with thicker accents than the Vegemite topping on an Australian's breakfast toast. Although I am aware that this classifies as "Unneeded Investment", but still, it'd be pretty cool.

Now I shall proceed to dream about my regiment of Hungarian Grenadiers, the Königlich "Schnurrbart Kerls" aus Alte Buda Nr. 1.
That Game of Thrones mod, A Clash of Kings, has pretty good formations. I wouldn't mind seeing ranks and the Brace Polearm option from it appear.
I could help with any french dialog, since I am fluent in french and m french, though I'd probably not want to hear myself in the mod haha. My french accent is not too shabby.
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