The lunar war - La guerra lunare

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Sergeant at Arms

Da un po' di tempo questo mod è in sviluppo.
Il mod ha un'idea assolutamente originale, ambientato nel futuro, il gioco sarà totalmente ambientato sulla luna, con fazioni "di oggi", cioé unione Europea, Usa, Canada ecc..

Il mod prevede:

- Tantissimi modelli nuovi
- Mappa nuova (chissà che aspetto avrà :grin:)
- Nuove animazioni
- Nuove Fazioni
- Gioco puntante sempre più verso uno stile FPS.
- Rivisto il sistema di sparo (Automatico.. Semi-Automatico)
- Riviste le munzioni e il sistema di ricaricamento armi (munizioni differenti, ricaricamento più svelto)
- Hud rivisto, per essere più in stile FPS (Mirino più grosso... Ecc..)
- Veicoli e Mezzi da guerra (si ci saranno i carri armati e i robottoni)
- Sistema di rigenerazione salute stile CoD
- Granate flash, Granate fumogene, jetpacks ecc..
- Battaglie aeree
- Fazioni con comportamento coerente. ESEMPIO: Il giappone(nel gioco è rappresentato come impero) si potrà comportare come una repubblica socialista quando è un impero? No.
- Una lunga storia...

2010 – La tristemente famosa influenza suina uccide e muta 2.8 miliardi di persone.

2011 – Il virus inizia a uccidere il 95% delle specie di animali sulla Terra.

2013 – La crisi finanziaria finisce e l'economia mondiale inizia a riprendersi.

2015 - L'Unione Europea si espande accettando la Turichia e la Croazia.

2017 – L'Economia torna ai livelli pre-crisi, benché lo sviluppi sia più lento.

2023 – Si è scoperto che il virus ha ucciso la maggioranza degli uomini con debolezze genetiche e malattie critiche.

2025 – La popolazione della terra raggiunge i livelli pre-influenza.

2030 – La popolazione raggiunge i 9 miliardi, gli scienziati teorizzano che i problemi di fertilità sono stati eliminati nel 2023.

2033 – La popolazione raggiunge i 10.7 Miliardi.

2035 – Una carestia maggiore colpisce l'Africa centrale 17 milioni di umani muoiono. L'economia nel resto del mondo inizia a crescere.

2036 – Il rendimento economico è aumentato del 75% dall'anno scorso.

2037 – La crescita economica continua. L'U.N pubblica il rapporto Hartman che la crescita attuale è insostenibile. Cina e india lasciano l'U.N e protestano i limiti imposti sulle nazioni.

2038 – I limiti economici dell'U.N. sono accettati dagli stati occidnatli. Gli stati centrali e Orientali lasciano l'U.N e formano l'unione araba della crescita economica (PAEDA)

2039 - Il dissenso in Brasile spinge a una rivoluzione di massa. Il Brasile si dichiara Impero.

2040 – Economic growth in Western world grinds to a halt while PAEDA/China/India’s growth is up 407%. Anti-Eastern Terrorist groups begin to surface.

2041 – A young British man is killed by an Indian in the United Kingdom. The incident sparks riots in the UK which rapidly spread to the rest of Europe. By the end of the year protests have crippled every member of the European Union.

2042 – The Treaty of Bucharest is passed allowing the creation of an EU wide frontline Police Force. The race riots are quickly ended. A US citizen is arrested on falsified spying charges in Mexico, with both sides refusing to back down, the first war in over 30 years is started.

2043 – The USA quickly defeats the Mexican army and officialy annexes Mexico in the summer, forming 10 new states. The UN publishes a report saying that Oil will run out in 5 years time.

2044 – The EU releases a report showing the causes of the race riots. The world’s population hits 15 billion.

2045 - The Treaty of London is passed to a huge controversy. All Africans and Asians are to be deported from Europe and refused further entry. 60,000 people are killed by the EU police in just 3 days. Protesters arise in other countries, calling the EU a "dictatorship" and "an attempt to create a Fourth Reich".

2046 – Climate change begins to take effect. The ice caps melt flooding low lying lands. The land within 300 miles on either side of the equator becomes unlivable. The EU responds by passing the Treaty of Brussels. This complete surrenders all resources to the EU effectively creating a “super-state”.

2047 – First Mexican Revolt. Oil begins to run out. India/China/PAEDA’s economies begin to shrink.

2048 – Economies continue to shrink. PAEDA dissolves into a series of wars as each country fights to retain its resources while seizing others. After 103 years the third ever nuclear weapon is used against Israel.

2049 – Oil officially classed as run out. The USA and EU intervene in the PAEDA wars due to the destruction of Israel by providing aid to Saudi Arabia. China’s economy completely collapses.

2050 – PAEDA wars officially end with defeat of Iran. Chinese Communist government falls. India’s economy collapses and reverts to agriculture as a means of support. Second Mexican Revolt occurs in late 2050.

2051 – China breaks apart as people seize whatever land then can. Mexican Rebels form an alliance with Brazil who have slowly occupied all of South America. By the end of the year Mexico is liberated.

2052 – Canada joins the Mexican and Brazilian alliance. The US is quickly defeated. Canada seizes Alaska and the northern part of the central US. Mexico/Brazil take the West Coast and the southern central US. The East Coast remains in US hands. After 4 years the world is finally at peace. Population growth has slowed due to the Wars but is rapidly approaching 20 billion.

2053 – Brazil breaks the alliance with Mexico and with little resistance, annexes Mexico into the Brazilian Empire.

2054 - The EU expands, with Moldova, and all former Yugoslav states joining.

2055 – After 46 years Japan ends its self-enforced seclusion from the world. Advances in its technology mean it is completely self-sufficient. After negotiating with other countries it shares the secret of nuclear fusion.

2056 to 2060 – Japan slowly shares its secrets with the rest of the world restoring a semi-balance of peace and stability.

2062 – Iran attempts to invade Iraq in an attempt to seize food resources. The Arabic nations leap to Iraq’s defense. The United Arab League is formed. The former People’s Republic of China becomes the Federal Republic of Chinese States after Jun Xiolin’s famous "united we are strong" speech.

2063 – The Nuclear Fusion reactor in Iran is hit by a Libyan cruise missile by mistake. The results are cataclysmic. Virtually all of Iran and the bordering countries are destroyed instantly.

2064 – The world is still paralyzed by the destruction of Iran. The planet’s temperature begins to rise rapidly. By the end of the year 66% of the planet’s farmland is completely infertile.

2065 – 80% of the planet’s arable land is now ruined. The U.N declares a state of Global crisis. Work begins on the Japanese led “Project Unity”, an attempt to re-terraform the planet.

2066 – 92% of the Planet is now incapable of growing food. Combined with the extinction of most animals 55 years ago the planet is close to suffering a worldwide famine. The world’s population peaks at 32 billion people.

2067 – The world’s population plummets to 25 billion in the first 6 months of the year. In September Project Unity finally shows some success.

2068 – The efforts of Project Unity start to take effect. The total percentage of arable land available rises from 8% to 22%. However scientists behind the project state that the effect will not be permanent due to the damage sustained by the planet.

2069 – The public become aware of the limited success of Project Unity. Global riots rapidly start. Russia announces its withdrawal from the EU Super-state, the first nation to do so. The U.N announces “Project Olympus” – with the idea being to colonize Mars.

2070 – Olympus Prime – the first Human controlled attempt to reach Mars explodes on takeoff.

2071 – Olympus Secunda takes off and makes it to space. The U.N reveals there will not be enough resources to mount another mission to Mars.

2072 – Renewed interest in space programs results in another Space Race. The EU, Brazil and Canada all attempt to fund and launch their own rockets.

2073 – Russia and India launch the next rocket after secretly working together. It orbits the moon before returning to Earth.

2074 – Photographs of the moon taken by the Russian/Indian shuttle reveal a type of mineral never seen before on the surface of the Moon.

2075 – Canada becomes the next country to launch a Space Shuttle. It lands on the moon and brings back samples of the mineral.

2076 – It is discovered that the mineral is formed after a chemical reaction which occurs when meteors hit the Moon's surface. It is also usable as fuel. It is named Lunanium and plans rapidly form to mine it. In late 2076 Project Olympus receives a message from Olympus Secunda stating it had suffered damage from an asteroid. It is never heard from again.

2077 – The first base is developed on the Moon. Named after Neil Armstrong it bears the hope of humanity.

2078 – The people in Point Armstrong begin to Terraform the surface of the Moon in an attempt to grow food there instead of having to rely on shuttles from Earth.

2079 – Terraforming the Moon has limited success due to the subzero temperatures when the Moon is in darkness.

2081 – The first City is developed on the Moon. Named Unity City it is controlled by a council made up of the 9 most powerful factions from Earth:
USA, EU, Russia, Canada, Brazil, China, Japan, United Arab League and India.

2083 - Unity scientists develop a gigantic "thermal sphere" around Unity City, to keep the warmth inside, allowing for better Terraforming.

2086 - The thermal sphere is increased in size, and oxygen, water and plant shipments from Earth allow settlers to establish new settlements. Major powers race to colonize different parts of the moon. Point Armstrong becomes the capital of the American Lunar Colonies.

2087 - European and Arab engineers work together to create the Infantry Support Vehicle. It is quickly produced and integrated into all major powers' armies.

2092 - The effect of Project Unity begins to decay on Earth. The Lunar Colonies are flooded with Earthlings trying to escape the imminent destruction of the planet.

2094 - Lunanium is discovered to possess the power to absorb radiation. Project Unity is relaunched, this time with permanent effects.

2095 - With radiation gone from former Israel. Israeli people around the world rush to reclaim their old lands. The Israeli Remnant is formed.

2096 - After thorough negotiations with the Unity Council, Israel is accepted into the Council, and is allowed to colonize a part of the moon.

2100 - Project Unity proves to be successful, with 80% of the former arable land arable again. Colonists from the Moon head back to their former homes on Earth.

2103 - The Moon reaches a population of 2 billion. The year remains a milestone in history.

2105 - Approximately 150 years from it's establishment, the European Union is finally proclaimed a sovereign state, and becomes a superpower able to compete with Brazil and Canada.

2107 - Latin is adopted as the EU official language.

2108 - Seeing the EU becoming a single nation, Russia and Belarus proceed with their old plan of forming the Union of Russia and Belarus. Former Soviet states excluding Ukraine, all express interest in joining the Union.

2110 - The Union of Independent States is formed, encompassing all of former Soviet Union, except the EU part and Ukraine, plus Mongolia.
Ukraine refuses to join, and the UIS declares war on Ukraine.

2111 - No-one intervenes in the ensuing war, and the UIS defeats and annexes Ukraine.

2115 - Traditional aircraft becomes obsolete, and all major powers replace their planes and helicopters with multi-functional VTOL's.

2116 - Population on the moon reaches 3 billion. Unity City becomes larger and more populous than New York.

2118 - The settlement of New Dresden grows and becomes the capital of the European Colonial States.

2120 - Argentina colonizes an area on the Moon, south of the Brazilian colonies without authorization, and that area is ceded to Brazil. Tensions increase between the two countries.

2125 - Radiation is cleared in Iran, and the country is reborn. Project Unity is a success and the Earth becomes as fertile as it was before.

2128 - After a controversial speech by the Japanese Prime Minister, regarding the rights of the colonists, riots erupt all over Japan's colonies.

2129 - The Japanese revolution reaches Tokyo, and after a successful coup d'etat, a communist government is formed. The country is renamed the Japanese Socialist Republic.

2134 - Relations between Argentina and Brazil become very tense when Brazil annexes an Argentinian territory with a Brazilian majority.

2136 - Unity scientists invent a new type of airborne aircraft carriers, expected to change the way of warfare forever.

2139 - Argentina, allied with Chile, asks for it's former territories back from Brazil. Brazil refuses to surrender it's territories and the Brazilian-Argentinian war begins. Brazilian scientists develop a new type of vehicle: The Battle Walker, to aid Brazil in the ensuing war.

2140 - The Brazilian armies, then using over 300 battle walkers, quickly defeated the Argentinian-Chilean forces and Brazil annexed the two countries.

2141 - Brazilian relations with USA and EU deteriorate after the conclusion of the war.

2143 - Anti-communist rebels in Japan overthrow the communist government and create the Republic of Japan. However, it soon fails, and a coup d'etat forms the New Japanese Empire.

2145 - The thermal sphere is modified to be able to keep oxygen inside as well, and is renamed the Terra-Sphere. Population on the Moon reaches 6 billion.

2148 - China asks for Japan to give back the territories formerly governed by Taiwan. Japan refuses and tension between the countries arise.

2149 - Canada and Brazil form and alliance in case any war would erupt. The same goes on with EU and UAL, and also between UIS and India.

Political map of the World, prior to World War III
user posted image

World War III


January - The Union of Independent States gave an Ultimatum to the European Union. Give "back" the Baltic states and Moldova, or face imminent extinction. This time however, unlike 200 years ago, EU refuses, and reinforces it's eastern borders.

February - The UIS declares war on the EU, and proceeds to invade it. It faces crushing defeats at the Battle of Chisinau and the Battle of Tallinn, and is forced to retreat. The United Arab League rushes to support the EU and invades the Caucasian territories of the UIS. The first use of the militarized battleship is seen near Tiraspol.

March - The EU calls for help to the USA. USA, however refuses, and NATO is disbanded. China declares war on Japan and re-annexes Taiwan.
USA allies with Japan and sends 3 fleets and several land divisions to help against the Chinese.

April - Seeing as the USA is occupied in the Pacific, Canada and Brazil declare war and proceed to invade USA from North and South at the Same time.
They are, however, surprised to learn that the USA had already known of their plans and reinforced their fronts. Advancing is slow.

May - The Chinese fleet defeats the American fleet and proceeds to invade the Japanese home islands.
The Japanese invent the new hover tanks, which are expected to enter service by December.

June - As Canadian-Brazilian troops continue their advance through the USA homeland, the United States call the EU for help. The EU calls this a gest of impudence and declares war on the USA, and therefore, Japan.

July - UIS troops push back Euro-Arabian forces and UIS occupies the Baltic States, Moldova and Eastern Turkey.

August - Fighting begins on the Moon as well, only to be stopped by a Unity Treaty, prohibiting any kind of warfare on the Moon.

October - The USA invades Western Europe through Portugal, facing little resistance, as all European armies are focused in the East.

December - As Chinese troops close in on Tokyo, the new hover tanks are introduced, allowing them to hold the city for much more time.


February - The USA advance through Europe reaches France. Simultaneously, the UIS advances through Eastern Europe and occupies Poland and Romania.

March - The Canadian-Brazilian advance through USA grounds to a halt, as they declare war on the EU and invade Northern Europe.
Conscription laws are enacted in the EU, to be able to withstand the attacks of the invading superpowers.

May - After 5 months of holding their ground, the Japanese surrender to China. China demands that the UIS give up Mongolia. UIS refuses and declares war.

June - Chinese armies are sent to both Russia and the USA. Occupation disputes between China and Canada-Brazil result in two other declarations of war. The only nations that remain neutral are Switzerland, Israel and the Holy See.

July - American Armies ground to a halt near Brussels, while Canadian-Brazilian forces in Northern Europe are called back to help against the Chinese.

August - The United Arab League invades Iran, which is sided with UIS-India. Aided by the EU, it is able to defeat and annex the country.

October - India is invaded by China to the North, and UAL to the west.

December - Reinforcements from the Moon arrive to Europe, and defeat the Union armies in the Battle of Breslau, which are forced to retreat.


February - Reinforcements arrive for USA as well, and take back the unguarded Alaska. After they discover UIS and Indian troops stationed there, both USA and Brazil-Canada declare war on UIS-India The war officially becomes a four-way World War.

March - US troops continue their advance into Canada, while Chinese troops invade Mexico and Vladivostok.

April - Canadian-Brazilian special forces are able to stop a nuclear missile launch from the middle of China. Another Unity treaty is signed, restricting any form of nuclear warfare.

June - The EU takes back France and Poland, pushing UIS and USA forces back.

July - A terrorist group called the Guardians of Peace Organization (GPO) is formed, and swears to stop the war by any means necessary. Many countries around the globe that have been ravaged by war, including Indonesia and South Africa, secretly help the organization.

August - The UAL and Chinese advances into India force the country to surrender. The Indian government relocates to the moon and the UIS is left without a major ally.

October - GPO raids a major lunanium deposit in Virginia and takes off with tons of the metal.

November - The EU takes back the Iberian peninsula and the Balkans. Divisions on the Western front are sent by sea to disembark on the American East Coast in what is called Operation Hurricane.


January - GPO raids a Brazilian convoy which was transporting nuclear weapons.

March - Australia, allied with the EU, lands forces in south South America.

April - Canadian forces push back US forces from Alaska. Chinese troops push back UAL forces in India.

June - GPO steals more lunanium. This time from a UIS deposit in Siberia.

August - Chinese troops in the USA defeat Brazilian forces and reach US controlled New York.

September - Operation Hurricane: EU-UAL-Australian troops disembark upon New York, as the American forces are busy fighting the Chinese.

October - American forces in New York are defeated, and Chinese and EU-UAL troops begin to fight each other.

December - Chinese forces push back the UAL through Iran, and capture the UIS East Coast.


January - The EU pushes back the UIS to Moscow, where a major siege begins. Canadian-Brazilian forces arrive at the battle of New York, turning it three-way.

February - UIS reinforcements take back the East Coast, and split into two groups: One to head for Moscow, and another to head for New York.

April - UIS joins the Battle of New York. As the death toll increases, the battle becomes a major manpower vacuum. Still, holding New York would be critical for winning the war, so no country backs up.

May - The Terra-Sphere is expanded to its maximum potential, covering half of the Moon.

July - Chinese forces push back the UAL all the way to Egypt, forcing the UAL to surrender and relocate to the Moon. China annexes former UAL territory.

August - The EU invades Chinese-held Morroco, seeking to liberate the UAL and bring it back into the war.

October - The GPO uses the stolen Brazillian nuclear bombs to nuke New York and end the never-ending battle fought there. The Unity Council orders all member countries still on Earth to root out and destroy the organization.

November - Indonesia is found out to be helping the GPO. Brazil invades formerly Chinese-sided Indonesia.


February - Brazil quickly defeats and annexes Indonesia, while Australian forces advance into the Brazilian homeland. UIS reinforcements arrive at Moscow and push back the EU.

April - The EU offensive in Northern Africa reaches Egypt.

May - Israeli scientists discover a way to make Nuke effects resistant to Lunanium. Israel sells the secret to all major powers.

June - The UIS invades Manchuria, while China pushes back Canadian and Brazilian forces in USA.

July - USA reinforcements arrive from the Moon, and help take back the East Coast of the USA from Chinese and Canadian-Brazilian troops.

September - The EU meets heavy Chinese resistance in Saudi Arabia, being guaranteed a long battle before liberating the UAL.

November - UIS troops take the lightly defended Beijing from China, forcing Chinese troops in USA to come back and reclaim it.

December - USA takes back its lands westwards, while Brazilian forces invade Sydney, and drive the Australian offensive out of Brazil.


January - Quick offensives in Australia force the country to surrender to Brazil. Lacking a Unity Council seat, the country is no more.

February - USA sided South Africa is discovered to help the GPO. EU allied Zimbabwe and Somalia invade the country.

March - USA takes back its formerly central lands and sends more troops to Mexico.

April - UIS takes Moldova and the Baltic states from the EU yet again, making people think that the war is a never-ending cycle that will wipe out all life on the Earth. More minor powers start helping the GPO.

May - EU finally defeats Chinese troops in Saudi Arabia, and UAL is liberated, and joins the war again.

June - USA takes back the West Coast, and reaches Panama in the South. Canada takes back Alaska in the meantime.

July - UIS troops land in India, and advance towards New Delhi, hoping to liberate its former ally.

August - Brazilian forces return from Australia to push back US troops into their homeland. EU troops reclaim Moldova and the Baltic states yet again.

September - UAL takes back it's lands all the way to Iran. India is liberated and starts reclaiming it's own lands.

October - Chinese troops push UIS troops out of China and reclaim Beijing.

November - Indian-UIS troops liberate Iran and begin fighting the UAL.

December - Australian and Indonesian riots erupt, quickly crushing the Brazilian occupation and regaining independence.


January - USA troops invade Japan, also wanting to liberate it. With the light Chinese occupation, they are sure to succeed.

February - USA liberates Japan, which takes back its former lands, including Taiwan.

March - The world is back the way it was before the war started, just so it can start all over again, repeating the same cycle until everyone is dead. The GPO develops a plan to end this once and for all.

April - Both the Earth and the Moon are in shock. The GPO nukes Unity City with all their bombs. With the Unity Council gone, nuclear warfare is restricted no more.

May - The UIS makes the first move and nukes Berlin, Paris, London, Rome, Athens, Madrid, Istanbul, Belgrade, Prague, Budapest and Bucharest, crippling the EU, but not before they could nuke Minsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok, Arkhangelsk and Astana. Before everyone realized what was going on, Bombs were falling everywhere, entire countries wiped out, even neutral ones such as Switzerland were turned into dust and spots for nuclear winter.
As battles started raging across the Moon, the guns fell silent. The war was over, finally, but at a large cost. Earth was completely destroyed, and not to be recovered for the next thousand years. Survivors were possible, but the radiation would most probably mutate them beyond recognition.
The Last Unity Treaty was signed in front of the ruins of Unity City, making peace between the ten remaining nations. The Moon was the New World. And the only hope of Mankind.

The Great Recovery

2158 - The relocated governments adapt to their new capitals, and start building parliamentary/imperial structures. The rest of the year is declared a time of mourning, and monuments dedicated to the heroes of World War 3 are build across the Moon.
2159 - As the EU is no longer split between 35 autonomous nations, and is no longer in Europe, the country is renamed the Confederation of New Europe.
Canada is also renamed the North-Western Republic.
2160 - Vladislav Ivdeyev of the Union Progress Party is elected President of the UIS. He rapidly diminishes democratic rights and the constitution, turning the Union into an Autocracy, and changing its flag. The UIS capital in New Moscow is renamed Ivdeyevgrad in his honor.
2161 - India is renamed the Chandra Republic, in honor of their first space program. They break their alliance with the UIS and ally with Israel instead. The USA is also renamed the United American Colonies (UAC)
2162 - A Brazilian UASV (Unmanned Aero-Space Vehicle) is mysteriously destroyed while scanning Antarctica. It is evident that the moon is split into two classes of people: The Lunarkind, with full rights and citizenship in all countries, and the Earthborn, commonly known as "Scrammers", not allowed to have full citizenship, children, or marry in the most democratic countries, and far worse in the more autocratic ones.
2163 - Chandra commences the Repatriation Effort, with its idea being to send Scrammer "volunteers" to Earth in an attempt to recolonize it. The spaceship carrying them there is mysteriously destroyed, and a controversially uncaring speech by the Indian Foreign Minister result in nation-wide riots.
2164 - Reuven I becomes the Prophet of the Israeli Remnant. After the Charndran scrammer riots, the CNE, UAC, NWR and FRCS, along with the UIS and Brazil, grant the scrammers full rights, under pressure from Reuven's tolerance speech.
A strange anomaly is found to have increased the Terra-Sphere in size, opening new areas for colonization.
2165 - The GPO base of operations is found in south-western Japan. Everybody present there is arrested, and so are thousands of GPO sympathizers.
2168 - European and Japanese engineers develop the P.E.E.S. (Physical Enhancement Exo-Suit), a revolutionary armor able to enhance a person's physical capabilities using artificial nerves and muscle-mass.
2171 - Alexandre Armando rises to the throne in the Brazilian Empire, and begins a long economic reform.
2172 - The CNE discovers a 20-year old concept of an SMG called the SuomiKP-22, and rapidly begins to produce it, considering it a relic from the Finns.
2175 - The yearly meeting of Christian, Muslim and Jewish representatives results in a plan for another Earth re-population effort, called the Great Pilgrimage.
2178 - The pilgrimage ship, called Salem's Lot, is to contain 2 million people, 500.000 people from each of the 3 religions, plus 500.000 people who would take care of engineering, security and other non-religious tasks.
2180 - Salem's Lot takes off from the moon, only to arrive 4 days later to what was formerly the Holy Land, now flooded by the melting of the ice caps. Without enough fuel, they plan to land in Eastern Siberia, but are never heard from again. It is presumed the ship has been destroyed by an anomaly called "Olesk's Theta Wave",
like the Indian ship, 26 years ago.
2183 - A formerly small enterprise called the Full Moon Corporation, known to produce military vehicles and jetpacks, becomes major after completing a contract with the UAC, selling them 500 battle walkers.
2186 - Oleg Volgorov becomes the leader of the UIS. The Republican party becomes the ruling party in the UAC.
2190 - As the Moon's rugged terrain is rather difficult for the ISV's to traverse, even with their 6x6 wheels, a hover-generator is designed to replace the wheels.
2195 - Probes sent to Earth reveal an area on Earth unreached by the Theta Wave, in South-Western New Zealand.
2200 - Plans to rebuild Unity City are proposed by Israel. The other countries refuse, however, calling a new Unity Council "unnecessary".
2204 - A Private Military Company (PMC) called the Crescent Company begins fighting another PMC called the Near Side Defense, as they were backing different sides in a scrammer rebel assault on a UAL town. The PMC Wars begin, testing the patience of the 10 factions.
2206 - The PMC wars are finally over when the UAC intervenes in force. The Near Side Defense (NSD) remains the only major PMC.
2210 - After the PMC wars, Europe begins supporting the old Israeli plan to rebuilt Unity City. However, the rest of the countries still do not agree.
2214 - A distress signal is heard from Earth. The only words that can be made clear from it are "Help us! Send help! They are going to..." Its location is unable to be located, however, and all that the 10 factions could do is increase the probes sent annualy to Earth from 67 to 100.
2218 - The Moon is commemorating the 26 billion lives lost during the Third World War 50 years ago. The Arab League finally grants the scrammers full citizenship, after continuous riots across its territory.
2220 - A man and a woman wanted for stealing plans for a thorough scan of the Earth escape the Canadian police by stealing a prototype ship and flying back to Earth. The ship loses its signal as it enters the Earth's atmosphere.
2222 - On the 22nd of February, Lunar internet users are relieved to see that this date wasn't the end of the Moon as predicted.
2225 - Nabih Al-Dahabi becomes the Chairman of the UAL.
2229 - Dissent in Europe arises when the mayor of New Dresden marries a young, lowly scrammer woman called Olikea.
2230 - Katsura Kiyotaka becomes the new Emperor of the New Japanese Empire.
2232 - Vasily Blokhin, a Gorbachev-styled reformer, becomes the leader of the UIS.
2234 - Reuven II becomes the new Prophet of Israel, after the 110 year-old Reuven I dies in his deathbed.
2235 - Jose III Armando rises to the throne in the Brazilian Empire.
2236 - Elections are held in the democratic republican countries. Gordon Goldman wins the elections in the UAC, He Songxiu in China, Natalia Barbatus becomes President in Europe and chooses Franz Neuremberg as Prime Minister, Stephen Cole becomes President in Canada and Narasimha Patil in the Chandra Republic.
2237 - Japan is convinced by the CNE to support the reconstruction of Unity City.
2238 - Another distress signal is heard from Earth. What the listeners are able to make out is: "Listen......Theta Wave.....destroyed.......Varric and I are the last ones ali-.....crap they're here, open fi-.."
This is where YOU come in!

Full Moon Corporation =Corporazione della Luna piena

Fabbricatori di veicoli militari.

Near Side Defense =Difensori del lato vicino

Azienda militare privata.

Kazakh Autonomous Region =Regione Autonoma del Kazakh

Un villaggio chiamato "Nuova Kusek" che si è dichiarata indipendente dall'UIS.

Ce ne saranno altre...



Metti queste immagini nella firma per supportare il mod!

By: (l'autore) me stesso, la prima firma presentata per il mod!

By Varric, vincitore del contest delle firme!!

By Queen Pinky.

By Mudcrab.

By Slappy101.

By Temuzu.

By killop5.

By Benosaurus.

By MountandBladeKinsman.

Seconda by Slappy101.

Seconda by Varric.
[/quote],69649.0.html ------------------> topic ufficiale.

Dategli un'occhiata, è davvero interessante :smile:
Nikephoros said:
Ho visto il video, eccezionale.
Se Rize continua così, può venirne fuori qualcosa di straordinErio.

Sto ancora finendo la pagina :grin:

Però non so come si traducono le immy xD
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