tha Thread (formerly: That sucks)

Is DrThomas really tha Threader?

  • Why, of course he is.

    Votes: 23 25.3%
  • What? NO!

    Votes: 9 9.9%
  • Hehe... giggles.

    Votes: 11 12.1%

    Votes: 22 24.2%
  • doo doo doo doo

    Votes: 26 28.6%

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i dunno, ivan... you're strange, swiftly trollish from time to time... so you just may be...
I actually like XIVth century. XV-XVI not so much... Tho I do have a thing for landsknechts -  :mrgreen:

If I would need to start a new mod right now I'd like to implant the city/town/village building system like the one we have for the fortified manor. So region and age where population are not so dense, towns do not reach tens of thousands of inhabitants and new towns/colonies being found would be perfect. For example ~Xth century Northern Europe with vikings and things like that would work. Some more ancient periods(~600 BC or so ) with Greeks colonizing every seashore they come upon would work as well. Some late stoneage/early bronzeage with a little bit less historical things might be interesting too. Just to discover beer, establish slavery from conquering the surrounding tribes, using those slaves to build first cities, ect. That's kinda exiting because there's really no game that covers the period as it's main theme. :smile:
DrTomas said:
Did I ever post this here?

I really like your taste of music :smile: ... best to watch your video alternating a couple of times with this one
So anyone seen this guys work? he's ****ing awesome!



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