suggestion for improvements

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I played for 500 days in this mod and quite frankly none of the settlements were being seiged and captured by any other civilization, I think by increasing the no. of factions we should also increase the no. of "lords" too, like their are just 8 or 9 greek lords and they are not quite active either, so the game gets pretty stale with no faction gaining or loosing anything...

-> Increase no. of lords and historically accurate ones and may be new genrals should come up as a reult of adoption and may be if we can implementing a family tree for the AI charactersm that be awsome. 

-> In your party you can name your captains or something.

->  rome doesn't expand the way it should, carthage doesn't engage in any kind of war with rome, and frankly if we have to live out the whole thing it will take a lot of time.

-> In rome total war you click one turn and 6 months pass by, so the game actually is interesting, so may be with each day night cycle we can pass 10 or more days and AI be a bit more active, greeks are pretty much happy sitting in their castles and macedonians do not seem to mind the fact either, so make AI more suicidal or murderous...

-> The game is overall so cool, I played as a spartan and it felt so good to throw a javelin at the enemy and charge at them with your spear and hoplon, thanks for making such a mod, but there is room for improvement.
the problem I think, it is that there are too many "kingdom army" /patrols, squad etc and it is difficult to siege something without being raped by some of them :/
Ya, it would be nice if instead of these kingdom armies there would be lords with big armies. I see a lot of siegeing going on, but no castles or cities are being captured (except by me of course)
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