so game been out for 3 years and the devs did allot of bug fixing and i thank them for that
what i really want to see is stuff that existed in viking coqnuest that were amazing for the game but need some improvements (i know people have asked for these things but its been 2 years since last posts i saw)
1- personal refuge or hideout : in viking conquest it was a really sweet feature, you can build a small settlement and upgrade it to have shops and garrison troops and not get raided or attacked . this feature would be amazing for a thiefe/rogue gameplay you have your own hideout and you can sell and buy stuff in it also you can place a companion to manage it and upgrade it (i believe this feature could be improved upon to be even better than how it was in viking conquest and gives a use to the large empty areas in the map)
2- alliance: also in viking conquest you could make alliances with other factions and in warband diplomacy mod was well known and liked for that , this feature should be introduced and made easier than how it was in viking conquest because it was a good feature but really hard to get in an alliance with a faction. maybe you can ally with a faction if your both at war with another faction or a faction that is weak will be more likely to want to ally with you so other factions wont attack it
3- special locations with special weapons/armor: again like viking conquest (loved the game) there was special locations like the troll's bridge or hadrian's wall where you fight or did a special mission for unique loot or a special companion but in bannerlord forget the special companion what i would love to see is special weapon and armor set that is hidden behind special locations or quest, the reward should be a really cool armor that blends the armor type/look of all 6 factions and has the best stats but should be made hard to get or takes time finish all those locations
that is what i really wish to see in the game hope you all comment what you think
what i really want to see is stuff that existed in viking coqnuest that were amazing for the game but need some improvements (i know people have asked for these things but its been 2 years since last posts i saw)
1- personal refuge or hideout : in viking conquest it was a really sweet feature, you can build a small settlement and upgrade it to have shops and garrison troops and not get raided or attacked . this feature would be amazing for a thiefe/rogue gameplay you have your own hideout and you can sell and buy stuff in it also you can place a companion to manage it and upgrade it (i believe this feature could be improved upon to be even better than how it was in viking conquest and gives a use to the large empty areas in the map)
2- alliance: also in viking conquest you could make alliances with other factions and in warband diplomacy mod was well known and liked for that , this feature should be introduced and made easier than how it was in viking conquest because it was a good feature but really hard to get in an alliance with a faction. maybe you can ally with a faction if your both at war with another faction or a faction that is weak will be more likely to want to ally with you so other factions wont attack it
3- special locations with special weapons/armor: again like viking conquest (loved the game) there was special locations like the troll's bridge or hadrian's wall where you fight or did a special mission for unique loot or a special companion but in bannerlord forget the special companion what i would love to see is special weapon and armor set that is hidden behind special locations or quest, the reward should be a really cool armor that blends the armor type/look of all 6 factions and has the best stats but should be made hard to get or takes time finish all those locations
that is what i really wish to see in the game hope you all comment what you think