Building on NN's idea here, we present to you the question of who would win in a battle against each other.
Merentha said:One is a nine foot tall mutant 400 year old zealot shooting 75 caliber rockets. The other is a normal convict given a suit of armor and psychotropic drugs, and a gun that shoots 8mm spikes. You pick.
AK47 said:We have a highly unadaptable Adeptus Astartes (HERESY!), armour geared primarily towards protection against energy weapons (ceramite v. neosteel), smoothbore weapons firing 20mm projectiles stabilized AFTER leaving the barrel (no rifling = accuracy loss) and heavy reliance on melee weapons (force nemesis halberds, power fists etc.)
Then we have the terran marine with armour geared towards ballistic protection, Railgun based weaponry, stimpacks to stay out of melee range and general common sense.
Your pick.
Swadius said:Plus they have actual medics.
Night Ninja said:I think you just pulled that out of your arse.
The reliance on melee weaponry isn't all that heavy. The average Tactical Marine totes a bolter, a bolt pistol and a chainsword, all of which could rip multiple new arseholes in a Terran Marine. Power armour laughs at your pissy peashooter, so let's not even speak about Tactical Dreadnaught Armour.
The Astartes are also rather adaptable as a whole. Sure, they have their republicans, but most of them are fairly open towards new ways of killing people. Their religious dogma doesn't make them blind to the effects that improved methods exsanguination have on their battle tactics.
Swadius said:Plus they have actual medics.
Fluff fail?
AK47 said:Oh yeah, and chainswords. CHAINSWORDS. Dear invisible man in the sky, what the hell is it with people and chainsaws!? I mean, of all the ways of killing a guy in close quarters, who wouldn't pack something like a shotgun, a bigger gun(I like guns, why do you ask?) or a plain sword?
we now go back to your regularly scheduled debate:
The fact that the Imperium has to rely on melee weapons at all makes it a wee bit hard to believe in the effectiveness of the bolt weapons. And if you wish to speak of Tactical Dreadnaught Armour, let us speak of the StarCraft ghost.
The pissy peashooter's current equivalent is the mass driver, which achieved about 30g of acceleration. Scale it down, toss in a few "techy" components, and you've got the C-14 Rifle, which can penetrate two inches of neosteel. Now, I don't know about future ceramic composites, but I'm quite sure two inches of ceramics isn't quite up to par against that sort of force.
If it the Astartes is that flexible, please explain a) The lack of camo. b) Why power weapons haven't been disassembled into protective gear. c) Why they worship machines. d) All the bling o' war on their armor.
Of course, given the status of Imperium Space Marines as Elite Mooks, this isn't a fair comparison, but let's roll with it.
EDIT: Let's move this to The Anachronist's Guild, shall we?
Moss said:You're right, we're ruining a perfectly logical thread.
a) Camo is for people who need to avoid being shot, seeing as their armour seems to be proof against the vast majority of weapons in existance I can't see it being a problem.
b) Heard of terminator armour right?
c) You mean the machine spirits? Incredibly knowledable AI that runs their war machines built before the fall of the emperium into it's current dark age?
d) So we're ignoring all the grafitti on the Terrans armour?
Not to mention that the Space Marines armour isn't geared towards energy weapons. What projectile weapons there are, snub guns, crude ork weaponry, etc, don't seem to do crap against them.
Also, wow. This is definately worse than the origonal topic. At least both of them actually existed.