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First of all, please apologies for my English. I know it`s bad, but im still learning. (Not easy for an old Man)

I spend quite a few while to think about a Lategame thats worth playing. Now it is just (in my Opinion) a "Make war and destroy your Enemies" game, what gets boring really fast.

My first thought is about Vassals (and Kings) in a losing Faction. If the losing Faction is about 1 or 2 Fiefs left and (or) only a tenth (fifteenth) of the winners Faction, there will be some Political opportunities like:

  1. The King of the losing Faction can decide to become a Vassal-State of the winners Faction. He can keep his remaining fiefs and his Lords. But have to spend Money to the winner Faction and have to send claimed troops in the case of War.
  2. The winning Faction conquers the last Fief. The remaining lords (even the King) can choose now whether they join the winning Faction as Vassals, or stay fiefless as kind of rebels. If they decide to stay as Rebels, there should be no negative reputation to other Kingdoms (Lords) if they get executed. Except for "good friends".
So the King of the Vassal-State should have the possibility to Rebel. For example when the initial winning Faction gets weak, has too many wars or no Army near the Vassal-State so the King of this Vassal-State sees a chance to revive his Faction. If his ex-Lords have enough positive reputation to him, they will join the Rebellion. If they have a better reputation with the initial winning Faction now, they will stay and fight for them.

I think the possibility of Rebellions makes the Game doesn`t feel that empty at Lategame, what do you think about this?

Otherwhise i have some suggestion about attachments (holdfasts?) and forced field of attack. So there will be a possibility for Army leaders to build attachments all over the Map. Armys and Castles should have a field surroundet them, where they can attack nearby Armys (enemies). This Area should be depending on Tactical and Scouting Skills of the Leader. With this two points, i think its easier to defend Strategical positions and the need to conquer Castles befor entering the enemie territory is much more important, then in this state of the game.

What do you guys think about this points? I have some more ideas but i think i keep them for myself for now :razz:.

And again, please be patient about my english skills. I hope it is readable and there are not too many mistakes.

Regards and stay healthy,
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